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Ukraine Conflict: Full Frontline Update

Front Line Monday, 26th February 2024, 16:00
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:21
2Kupyansk-Svatove-Kreminna Front Line Update00:21-01:10
3Bakhmut Front Line Update01:10-03:08
4Avdiivka Front Line Update 03:08-07:34
5Donetsk Front Line Update07:34-09:04
6Velyka Novosilka Front Line Update09:04-09:17
7Robotyne Front Line Update09:17-11:45
8Vuhledar Front Line Update11:45-13:26
9Wrap up13:26-13:31

"as soon as you see something as high value for the Russians as a as an Abrams caught on drone footage you know that I mean you know how the Russians work right they absolutely sing to the rafters or from the rafters when they destroy or capture prominent western donated Ukrainian equipment you know Bradleys and leopards they love it uh and you can you can understand why right so if they see something like this they will try their hardest to take it out"

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:21

Jonathan welcomes viewers to another ATP Geopolitics video for the 26th February 2024 and reminds viewers to check the map key if they are not familiar. He thanks JR for the mapping.

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Kupyansk-Svatove-Kreminna Front Line Update

🎦 00:21-01:10

Jonathan reports there are no changes to the Northeastern axis. He notes reports from the ISW confirming positional fighting but no changes, which is positive for the Ukrainians. Jonathan states there are claims that the situation in Kupyansk is difficult. He highlights claims from Syriac Maps of Russian control of Northern Sienkivka are unconfirmed.

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Bakhmut Front Line Update

🎦 01:10-03:08

Jonathan reports that both Deep State Maps and Andrew Perpetua confirm Russian movement North of Ivaniviska (which Syriac maps had previously claimed), both North and South of the road that comes in through Kramova. Jonathan highlights geolocated footage, published on the 25th February, of Russian advances North of Ivaniviska. He goes on to explain this footage features the 9 Ukrainian POWs executed by Russian soldiers. Jonathan confirms the footage confirms the loss of this position as the trench was where the Ukrainians were surrendering from. He notes further advances from the Russians in this area according to No Report Says. Syriac Maps reports the Russians have broken through to Ivaniviska, entering the first streets and that heavy combat is ongoing both North and East of the settlement. Jonathan states this is shown clearly on Syriac Maps with Russian control of the first, or part of the first road on the Eastern outskirts of Ivaniviska. He states that times are difficult for the Ukrainians in this area.

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Avdiivka Front Line Update

🎦 03:08-07:34

Jonathan begins by highlighting minor gains for the Ukrainians, pushing back the Russians at Stepova but notes gains for the Russians North of Stepova as per Andrew Perpetua's mapping. Jonathan states there has been some sad news in this area, going on to describe the first footage of a damaged Abrams tank. He mentions seeing the footage earlier in the day and predicting that the tank would be taken out. Jonathan explains how the Russians will seize any opportunity to destroy high value Ukrainian equipment and will celebrate these victories loudly. He goes on to say it wasn't long after seeing the first footage that a photo emerged of the destroyed tank which has been geolocated to the Berdychi area, confirming its destruction. Moving South, Jonathan describes how all mappers are showing Russian gains as they advance through Lastochkyne towards Opytne and towards Sviato-Pokrovske. He notes claims that the Russians have taken Severnye with evidence of activity in the middle of the village. Jonathan references reports from NOL Reports (citing geolocated footage), confirming Russian forces are in the centre of Severnye, meaning the settlement has been lost. He also highlights reports confirmed by Dmitry Lukovy (spokesperson of the operational strategic group of forces for the Tavria region) that Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from Lastochkyne. Jonathan reports on additional reports of Russian advances towards Tonenke and the probable retreat from Severnye confirmed by footage. Further to this, he describes how Syriac Maps are reporting the Russian army are continuing their advance towards Tonenke, taking control of the Western forest belt and Opytne, approaching the Churylovske pond. Jonathan states that the Russians are making steady Westward progress along this line which is a concern for the Ukrainians. He questions the level of fortifications in this area, stating he hopes that these have been built further West, adding that apart from farmland and villages, there is not much between the front line and Prokof’ivka. Jonathan finishes by stating that he expects the Ukrainians to have dug in between Prokof’ivka and the front line rather than invite the Russians on to Prokof’ivka. He notes that this is where fortifications were rumoured to be built but that this was very late in the day. Jonathan concludes that the situation is challenging in Avdiivka.

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Donetsk Front Line Update

🎦 07:34-09:04

Jonathan reports Russian gains North of Marinka and towards Krasnohorivka, describing the situation as challenging. He notes further gains past the mine, stating the Russians are getting very close to Krasnohorivka. Moving on to the ISW reports, Jonathan states there is nothing to add from other sources. He goes on to discuss reports that Ukrainian forces regained some positions South West of Donetsk city on the 25th February but states there are no confirmed changes to the front line. He goes on to describe how a Russian milblogger claimed that Ukrainian forces regained positions near Solodke which is what ATP reported yesterday - Ukrainian gains pushing back in this area. However, Jonathan highlights that Syriac Maps reports Russian gains in Northern Novomykhailivka and into the Southern area taking control over the industrial complex there and the cemetery. Jonathan concludes that it is worrying for the Ukrainians in a number of places along this Eastern front line making it very challenging.

Velyka Novosilka Front Line Update

🎦 09:04-09:17

Jonathan reports that not much is happening in this area which is confirmed by the ISW.

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Robotyne Front Line Update

🎦 09:17-11:45

Jonathan describes some good news for the Ukrainians - Syriac maps shows that the Russians are being pushed back in Robotyne. He questions whether this has been a counter attack or whether previous Russian claims were overstated. Discussing this area, Jonathan goes on to highlight Global War Monitor's reports from a couple of days ago which stated that the Ukrainians were pushed back with the Russians advancing into Robotyne with armoured vehicles. He adds that Global War Monitor stated that the Southern part of the previously liberated village was captured but that Global War Monitor tend to base their reporting on SREP map. Moving on to No Report Says, Jonathan states that there are no confirmed changes for this area with several small and some larger attacks West of Robotyne being repelled. He adds that an attack in which the Russians landed infantry into the settlement ended in the destruction of a whole platoon and all their infantry fighting vehicles. Jonathan draws comparisons with footage he has previously shown, in which four Ukrainians stop three Russian units, describing this as incredible. He confirms there has been lots of footage coming out of Robotyne which is worth looking into and that it has been tough for the Russians to take areas here with Ukraine doing a solid job of defending it, but questions how long this can last. Jonathan discusses footage of Russian forces storming the centre of Robotyne but questions whether this is what they attempted before being pushed back and concludes that it is all grey zone but that the Russians were repelled. He goes on to mention that the ISW reports an uptake in activity around the Kamianske sector, describing the location of the town that is split in two by the Dnipro river.

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Vuhledar Front Line Update

🎦 11:45-13:26

Jonathan reports there are no changes to the mapping but there are a few things to say. He states that the ISW mentioned geolocated footage from yesterday showing that Russian forces marginally advanced along Ostap Vyshny Street in Vuhledar. Discussing this, Jonathan references a Telegram channel which claims that the Ukrainians destroyed Russian paratroopers in Vuhledar using FPV kamikaze drones and confirms the geolocation using Google Earth. He states that this confirms what Syriac Maps is reporting but adds the caveat that just because Russians are there, does not mean they control it. Jonathan explains that if they were destroyed by FPV drones after moving into position, then there is a strong chance they do not control the position. He concludes that it is challenging for the Ukrainians who have pulled out three of their four brigades that were working in this area and that he doesn't believe they have the capacity to do anything more than tenuously hold on to what they have, hoping that this will be enough to keep attriting the Russian forces.

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Wrap up

🎦 13:26-13:31

Jonathan concludes the frontline update thanking viewers for watching and asking them to like, subscribe and share.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I was unsure whether to include the specific Telegram channel for the Vuhledar drone footage in the summary. Is this something that you would like me to include in future summaries and if so, how would you like me to include this?

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is a Front Line update video so I will need to pay close attention to the location names to ensure they are categorised correctly in the topic titles and that I use the Ukrainian spellings. Jonathan mentions a lot of sources in this video which I should try to include where relevant - he's hot on this so I should be too! I need to watch out for opinions and insights he includes and any places he goes off on a tangent as these are important to capture too. The video is about 13 and a half minutes long.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce, J.R. (Cartographer)

I'm a bot! I summarise ATP Geopolitics videos