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Ukraine War Chat with Steven Bendal: From Norway to Ukraine

Interviews Saturday, 20th July 2024, 16:00
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:01-01:07
2Stephen's Connection to Ukraine01:08-03:37
3Stephen's Experience in Chernobyl03:38-05:01
4Stephen's Experience in Kyiv During the Invasion05:02-07:40
5Stephen's Perspective on the War's Early Stages07:41-08:49
6The War's Progression and Stephen's Fears for His Wife08:50-11:01
7Stephen's Recent Trips to Ukraine11:02-13:12
8Norway's Support for Ukraine13:13-15:43
9Norway's Long-Term Support for Ukraine15:44-19:05
10Norway's Relationship with Russia19:06-23:53
11Stephen's Recent Trips to Ukraine23:54-26:44
12The Reality of Life in Ukraine Today26:45-29:59
13The Impact of US Politics on Ukraine's Future29:59-34:39
14Stephen's Emotional Experience During the War34:40-37:34
15Stephen's View on the War's End37:35-41:51
16Europe's Potential for Independence from the US41:52-43:39
17Ukrainian Sentiment Regarding the War43:40-46:37
18Mobilization and Training in Ukraine46:38-49:46
19Limitations on Ukrainian Defense49:47-51:05
20Stephen's Plans for Future Trips51:06-52:27
21Stephen's Ukrainian Language Skills52:28-53:06
22Stephen's Perspective on Conversations About the War53:07-55:06
23Stephen's Experience With Colleagues in Norway55:07-57:00
24Stephen's Favorite Aspects of Ukraine57:01-59:05
25Stephen's Advice for Viewers59:06-01:01
26Wrap up01:01:10-01:04

"I think that it's reasonable to expect to get all the country back. Full control of all the country. I think that is reasonable."

Hello Team

🎦 00:01-01:07

Jonathan welcomes viewers to the video and introduces Stephen Bendal, a long-time supporter of the channel who has been to Ukraine. Stephen will share his experience and insights about the country and his family's connection to it.

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Stephen's Connection to Ukraine

🎦 01:08-03:37

Stephen is a Norwegian man married to a Ukrainian woman who grew up in Poribyshev, Vinnytsia Oblast, near Vinnytsia city. The couple met in 2019 and Stephen visited Ukraine a couple of times before the pandemic. They maintained their relationship online and Stephen visited Ukraine again in 2021, staying for three weeks in August, about six months before the full-scale invasion. Stephen's visit included trips to Lviv and Chernobyl, which he found fascinating.

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Stephen's Experience in Chernobyl

🎦 03:38-05:01

Stephen describes his experience visiting Chernobyl in 2021, noting the presence of Russian soldiers who dug in for weeks in the area. Jonathan finds it interesting how little regard Russia has for their own soldiers, willing to place them in a radioactive zone.

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Stephen's Experience in Kyiv During the Invasion

🎦 05:02-07:40

Stephen recounts the initial shock and disbelief of the invasion in February 2022. His wife, who has lived in Kyiv for over 20 years, was the first to see the news and share the reality of the situation. Stephen mentions the fear and worry during the first few days, but was reassured by Zelensky's decision to stay in Kyiv and his conviction that the city would hold out.

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Stephen's Perspective on the War's Early Stages

🎦 07:41-08:49

Stephen believes the initial stage of the invasion was crucial and highlights the importance of Zelensky's presence in Kyiv in the early days. Stephen shares his thoughts on Zelensky's iconic leadership and how his actions likely prevented Kyiv from falling.

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The War's Progression and Stephen's Fears for His Wife

🎦 08:50-11:01

Stephen discusses the growing realization that the invasion would turn into a protracted war, noting the Russian assumption that the Ukrainian regime would flee. He describes how Russian forces, particularly on the western side of Kyiv, targeted fleeing civilians and the close proximity of this conflict to his wife's apartment.

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Stephen's Recent Trips to Ukraine

🎦 11:02-13:12

Stephen mentions visiting Ukraine twice since the war began, in November 2022 and June 2023. He was in Kyiv during the heavy fighting in November and observed the proximity of the front lines to his wife's apartment, which was a cause for concern. Stephen discusses the significant rebuilding efforts in Butcha, where he visited a church memorializing those killed during the Russian occupation.

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Norway's Support for Ukraine

🎦 13:13-15:43

Jonathan asks about Norway's response to the war, particularly its initial reaction and the current level of public and political support for Ukraine. Stephen believes most Norwegians were initially shocked, but the country quickly rallied behind Ukraine and provided significant military aid. Stephen highlights Norway's generous sovereign wealth fund, which was established from North Sea oil reserves, and its ability to provide substantial support.

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Norway's Long-Term Support for Ukraine

🎦 15:44-19:05

Stephen emphasizes Norway's commitment to long-term support for Ukraine, noting its five-year support package. He believes this is the type of commitment that Putin needed to hear. Stephen suggests that while Norway's support is significant, a larger package in euros would be more beneficial. Jonathan agrees that the five-year program is a positive development, as it provides more stability for Ukraine compared to US congressional aid, which can be inconsistent.

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Norway's Relationship with Russia

🎦 19:06-23:53

Jonathan and Stephen discuss Norway's historical relationship with Russia, particularly its status as the only NATO member bordering Russia. Stephen explains that Norway maintained a balanced approach during the Cold War, avoiding permanent NATO bases and nuclear weapons while engaging in cooperation with the Soviet Union on matters such as fishing rights and Svalbard. He mentions the Russian presence on Svalbard, including mining operations at Barentsburg and Pyramiden, which necessitated cooperation. Stephen highlights how the war has significantly expanded the NATO-Russia border, encompassing Finland and the Baltic states.

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Stephen's Recent Trips to Ukraine

🎦 23:54-26:44

Jonathan follows up on Stephen's recent trips to Ukraine, asking about his observations and what prompted him to return. Stephen describes his two trips, noting a difference in atmosphere between November 2022 and June 2023. The November trip was during a difficult period due to a stalled US aid package and the onset of winter, while June saw a more optimistic outlook, likely due to the arrival of aid and the warmth of summer.

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The Reality of Life in Ukraine Today

🎦 26:45-29:59

Stephen emphasizes the challenges of everyday life in Ukraine, particularly the frequent power outages. He explains the system of rotating power cuts and how Ukrainians have adapted to the situation. Jonathan adds that Ukrainians are resilient and innovative, highlighting the importance of maintaining access to electricity for essential services like freezers.

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The Impact of US Politics on Ukraine's Future

🎦 29:59-34:39

Jonathan broaches the sensitive topic of US politics and its influence on Ukraine's future. Stephen acknowledges that Ukrainians are aware of the impact of US politics on their situation but, due to the uncertainty of the political landscape, try to remain optimistic. He discusses the potential differences in approach between Biden and Trump, with some Ukrainians expressing concern about Trump's potential policies. Stephen emphasizes the importance of democratic processes in Ukraine and how even Zelensky faces criticism from some sections of the population.

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Stephen's Emotional Experience During the War

🎦 34:40-37:34

Jonathan asks Stephen about his lowest and highest points during the war, emotionally and in terms of hope. Stephen identifies the spring of 2023 as his lowest point, due to the lack of aid and the loss of territory in the east. He felt a sense of despair and fear that Russia might break through, but was buoyed by the subsequent arrival of aid and positive developments on the battlefield. Stephen attributes his optimism to his personality and his desire to be well-informed, highlighting the importance of following various news sources.

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Stephen's View on the War's End

🎦 37:35-41:51

Jonathan asks Stephen about his perspective on the war's likely outcome. Stephen believes it is reasonable to expect a full Ukrainian victory, but acknowledges that this depends on continued support. He discusses the potential impact of a Trump presidency and the possibility of US aid being cut off, but believes that Europe is now more proactive in providing support. Stephen highlights the increased investment in defense industries within Europe and suggests that the seven-month delay in the US aid package could ultimately benefit Europe by leading to greater independence from the US.

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Europe's Potential for Independence from the US

🎦 41:52-43:39

Stephen shares Jonathan's view about Europe's potential for greater independence from the US. He believes it is important for Europe to be able to defend itself without relying on the US. Jonathan clarifies the relationship between Europe and the US, arguing that while Europe has not necessarily demanded US involvement, the US has been a major player in European security for strategic and ideological reasons. He suggests that Europe might eventually take on more of a global role, potentially leading to a decline in US influence in the future.

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Ukrainian Sentiment Regarding the War

🎦 43:40-46:37

Jonathan asks Stephen about the sentiment among Ukrainians he spoke with during his June visit. Stephen observes that Ukrainians are tired of the war and its impact on daily life but are still determined to win. He believes the optimism is widespread, and while they are exhausted, they remain confident in victory. Stephen also discusses the question of how long the war will last and the challenges of replacing Russia's depleted military stockpiles.

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Mobilization and Training in Ukraine

🎦 46:38-49:46

Jonathan inquires about mobilization efforts in Ukraine and whether Stephen noticed any challenges in this area. Stephen explains that he did not have many personal conversations about the war but believes Ukrainians are eager to fight, particularly if they have access to proper training and equipment. He mentions the increased mobilization efforts and training initiatives being undertaken by Ukraine, with soldiers receiving training in Poland, the UK, and soon France.

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Limitations on Ukrainian Defense

🎦 49:47-51:05

Jonathan expresses frustration over the inability to strike Russian airfields deep within Russia. He acknowledges the potential consequences of such actions, including a Russian escalation, but argues that the current situation is a defensive one with Ukraine having one hand tied behind its back. He discusses the delicate balancing act of avoiding nuclear war while also allowing Ukraine to defend itself more effectively.

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Stephen's Plans for Future Trips

🎦 51:06-52:27

Jonathan asks Stephen about future trips to Ukraine, and Stephen shares his plan to return in October. He expresses a desire to meet Jonathan in Kyiv for a beer, and Jonathan reciprocates the sentiment.

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Stephen's Ukrainian Language Skills

🎦 52:28-53:06

Jonathan asks Stephen about his Ukrainian language skills, and Stephen reveals that he is learning basic words and phrases. He can understand some spoken Ukrainian and is learning the alphabet. Stephen humorously acknowledges that learning a language as an adult is more challenging compared to children, who can pick it up quickly.

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Stephen's Perspective on Conversations About the War

🎦 53:07-55:06

Jonathan asks Stephen about how he discusses the war with his friends and family in Norway. Stephen mentions that his level of interest in the war is uncommon, and some people avoid discussing it because it is upsetting. He notes that he is seen as a go-to source for information about the war due to his daily consumption of news and his in-depth knowledge. Stephen discusses his daily routine of watching news updates, which he often does at an accelerated pace, and shares his experience of watching videos with his wife, who has limited English proficiency.

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Stephen's Experience With Colleagues in Norway

🎦 55:07-57:00

Stephen shares an anecdote about his colleagues' reactions to his trip to Ukraine in November 2022. They were surprised to see him return alive, highlighting the perception of the war's danger. Stephen contrasts this with the reality of people living in Ukraine, even in frontline areas, who are continuing their lives.

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Stephen's Favorite Aspects of Ukraine

🎦 57:01-59:05

Jonathan asks Stephen what he loves most about Ukraine. Stephen shares his enthusiasm for the Ukrainian cuisine, praising its variety and quality. He also expresses admiration for the country's natural beauty, comparing it to the fjords of Norway. Stephen describes the experience of traveling through the Ukrainian countryside in the summer, with the yellow cornfields and blue sky resembling the Ukrainian flag.

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Stephen's Advice for Viewers

🎦 59:06-01:01
Stephen encourages viewers to visit Ukraine, highlighting its charm and attractions, including the food, the people, and the landscape. He suggests that even during the war, with appropriate caution and consideration for safety, a trip to Ukraine could be a rewarding experience. He emphasizes the importance of supporting the country and its people. Jonathan adds that if viewers have the opportunity to invest in Ukraine, they should consider doing so, as the country will experience an economic boom following its victory.

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Wrap up

🎦 01:01:10-01:04
Jonathan thanks Stephen for his time and support, highlighting his positive contributions to the community. He expresses hope for a future meeting in person or virtually, and Stephen reciprocates the sentiment, thanking Jonathan for his work. Stephen's final remarks encourage viewers to support the channel and continue engaging with the community.

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Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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