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Ukraine War Update NEWS (20230921c): Pt 3 - Geopolitical News & Analysis

News🔷Geopolitics Thursday, 21st September 2023, 14:18
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"Ukrainian soldiers are now doing with their blood what the UN Security Council should do with its votes - stopping aggression and defending the principles of the UN Charter"

Hello Team!

Jonathan introduces this video as the geopolitical segment of his Ukraine War News Update. He notes there is quite a bit of analysis alongside the news, so he is unlikely to do an extra "update extra" video today.

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Zelensky's UN Security Council Speech

  • Zelensky gave a blistering speech to the UN Security Council, saying Ukrainian soldiers are doing with their blood what the UN should be doing with votes to stop aggression and defend the UN Charter
  • He criticized Russia, a permanent Security Council member, for waging unauthorized wars of territorial expansion, undermining international norms
  • Zelensky said the UN is at a "dead end" and losing credibility due to the actions of permanent members like Russia. Reform is urgently needed to make it more representative and effective
  • He argued Russia illegally occupies its Security Council seat due to behind-the-scenes manipulations after the Soviet Union's collapse. Jonathan notes that seat could have gone to Ukraine.

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Ukraine's EU Accession Reforms

  • European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen is amazed at the difficult reforms Ukraine is making during wartime to advance its EU membership bid
  • While not setting a timeline, she is convinced Ukraine will one day join the EU if they maintain the current pace
  • Ukraine's parliament overwhelmingly approved disclosing officials' asset declarations to fight corruption, a key reform for EU accession
  • They also adopted draft amendments to protect national minorities, another necessary condition

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Brazil's Stance on Russia-Ukraine

  • Brazil's President Lula gave a well-received speech at the UN arguing against attempts to divide the world into zones of influence and revive the Cold War
  • He said the UN Security Council is losing credibility due to permanent members waging unauthorized wars of territorial expansion, clearly aimed at Russia
  • After meeting with Zelensky, Lula said no one can win 100% in war and there must be lasting peace so territorial occupations like Russia's never happen again
  • Jonathan argues Lula is condemning Russia's actions despite Brazil's BRICS membership and this is significant. Zelensky should court leaders like Lula and India's Modi to drive a wedge between them and Russia.

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Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict

  • Azerbaijan's president claimed the country restored its sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh after a military offensive destroyed Armenian forces there
  • Armenia denied a military presence but anti-Russian protests erupted in Yerevan. The Armenian president wisely did not send troops.
  • Without Russian or Western support, Armenia is unlikely to hold the disputed territory which is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan
  • The remaining Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh may be split between realists who see the cause as lost and hardliners who want to fight to the end

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Republican Opposition to Ukraine Aid

  • The Economist reports a growing number of US House Republicans are voting against Ukraine aid compared to the start of the war, from 10 to 71
  • The House is now home to the most significant opposition to Ukraine support in US politics, while the Senate remains more supportive
  • This trend could imperil future aid depending on the next presidential and Congressional election results
  • There may be a communication issue in explaining the geopolitical importance and return on investment of Ukraine assistance to politicians and the public

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Wrap up

Jonathan notes this video focused more on analysis than straight news. He encourages viewers to like, subscribe and share.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

Some of the specific vote counts and percentages in the US Congress were a bit unclear A few of the Ukrainian/Russian/Armenian place names and politician names I was not 100% certain on the spelling

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

Steps: Read through the transcript carefully, making note of the key topics and points discussed Group related points together under topic headings Summarize each topic concisely, capturing the key information and Jonathan's analysis/opinions Look for an impactful or profound quote to highlight Review the summary to ensure all key topics are covered and the information flows logically Note any parts of the transcript that were unclear or names/places I was unsure about



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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