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Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA: Commando Training, World Police, Borders, Morality & Psychology

Extra Tuesday, 29th August 2023, 16:33
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"If you are a moral nation, then your national interests will hopefully align with morality quite nicely."

Hello Team!

Jonathan explains he is not doing a frontline update today due to lack of information. Instead, this video will provide extra tidbits and nuggets to give viewers a greater understanding of the war in Ukraine.

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Royal Marines train Ukrainians in commando raiding

  • The UK has trained over 20,000 Ukrainian recruits since the start of 2022 and committed to train 20,000 more in 2023
  • Royal Marines have spent 6 months training nearly 1,000 Ukrainians in commando raiding and amphibious operations
  • The training covered skills like small boat operations, battlefield first aid, close quarters combat, and use of weapons like mortars, NLAW, Stinger missiles
  • This specialist commando training appears more advanced than generic NATO training which has received some criticism

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Ukraine victories closer than mainstream media claims

  • An article from the Centre for European Policy Analysis argues that despite mainstream media pessimism, Ukraine does not need to advance 50 miles to crush the Russian army
  • If Ukraine can liberate another 10-15km and bring Russia's ground lines of communication under fire control using HIMARS and artillery, it will make it very difficult for Russia to sustain operations
  • Jonathan agrees with this analysis, explaining that if Ukraine can interdict the roads and railways Russia relies on for supplies, it will have the same effect as reaching Melitopol

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The US as "world police" and national interests vs morality

  • Jonathan argues that the US is not really the "world police" as commonly perceived. While they get involved globally, it is primarily driven by US strategic interests rather than policing for morality.
  • He cites historical examples like US involvement in Iraq for oil rather than moral reasons, compared to lack of intervention in Zimbabwe.
  • A quote from war veteran Smedley Butler highlights how the US military has long served the interests of American corporations and capitalism.
  • Jonathan believes national interests will always take priority over morality for governments. Moral nations' interests may align with morality, but it is not the primary driver.

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In-group vs out-group psychology and support for Ukraine vs Yemen

  • Jonathan ponders whether the strong Western support for Ukraine compared to conflicts like Yemen is partly due to in-group vs out-group psychology
  • People tend to have more concern for their "in-group" who are more similar to them. For many in the West, Ukrainians are seen as more similar than Yemenis.
  • He cites research on differences between liberals and conservatives, with conservatives placing higher value on loyalty, authority and purity which relates to in-group preferences.
  • While in-group biases play a role, Jonathan notes the geopolitical strategic importance of Ukraine is also a key factor compared to Yemen.

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Borders, immigration and universal morality

  • Borders are arbitrary lines that people happen to be born within by chance, not merit
  • Jonathan questions the philosophical justification for saying he deserves the privileges of his country just by chance of birth while denying others
  • However, he acknowledges the practical reality that the current global system is based on borders
  • He argues for a more universal morality of fairness for all rather than just one's in-group, while recognizing this is more common among liberals than conservatives

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Wrap up

Jonathan apologizes for the long, unstructured ramble and thanks viewers for their support. He acknowledges the topic touched on controversial issues of politics and religion which he normally tries to avoid. His intention was not to alienate anyone but to highlight the importance of living up to one's stated principles and having concern for others beyond our in-group.

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Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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