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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Military Aid News

Military Aid🔷News Tuesday, 18th June 2024, 12:20
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:08
2Correction: Russian Submarine in Cuba00:08-00:43
3EU: Audit Commission to oversee €50bn Ukraine Loan 00:43-01:43
4USA: Delays to F-16 Training for Ukrainian Pilots01:46-08:14
5Italy: Storm Shadow Missiles and SAMP/T Air Defence System to be Transferred to Ukraine08:14-08:49
6Canada: NASAMS Air Defence System Update08:49-09:46
7NATO: Defence Spending Update09:46-13:33
8Canada: No Plans to send Military Trainers to Ukraine13:35-14:12
9Netherlands: Now Meets NATO's 2% Defence Spending Target14:12-15:34
10Germany: To Purchase 20 Typhoon Jets16:09-17:11
11France-Ukraine: CAESAR Howitzer Production17:11-18:28
12France: Increased Production of 120mm Mortar Bombs18:28-19:45
13UK: Royal Marines Test Jet Suits19:45-21:14
14Wrap up21:14-21:31

"The deadbeats of the alliance...are Croatia 1.81%, Portugal 1.55%, Italy 1.49%. So Italy is the big one there, as well as maybe Canada 1.37%. So those two really under spending on defence."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:08

Jonathan welcomes viewers to part 2 of his Ukraine War Update for 18th June 2024 and mentions that this video will focus on military aid.

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Correction: Russian Submarine in Cuba

🎦 00:08-00:43

Jonathan corrects a statement he made at the end of a previous video about a Russian submarine in Cuba. He clarifies that the acoustic tiles falling off a submarine is not unusual and that they often need to be replaced when a submarine returns to port.

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EU: Audit Commission to oversee €50bn Ukraine Loan

🎦 00:43-01:43

The EU has set up an audit commission to oversee a €50bn loan to Ukraine to monitor the use of the aid and prevent fraud and corruption. The commission will be based in Brussels and will hold at least 6 meetings per year to discuss audits. They will also conduct at least 6 visits to Kyiv annually. Jonathan believes this is a positive development because it promotes transparency and accountability, which in turn combats Russian misinformation about weapons being sold on the black market.

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USA: Delays to F-16 Training for Ukrainian Pilots

🎦 01:46-08:14

The head of the Ukrainian Parliament's Commission on Arms and Ammunition, Oleksandra Ustinova, has said that the US is deliberately delaying F-16 training for Ukrainian pilots. This will likely mean that Ukraine will only have 20 pilots trained on F-16s by the end of 2024, far fewer than the 80-85 jets that are due to be delivered. Jonathan explores the use of language - what does "deliberately delaying" actually mean? Is it a deliberate act to undermine Ukraine's war effort or are there other reasons? Jonathan explores various viewpoints including those of John Ridge, a regular commentator on his channel. Ultimately, he concludes that the reason for the delay is likely due to constraints within the US Airforce, who are reluctant to give up slots that would impact on the training of US pilots. Jonathan observes that information exchange is key - does this information get fed back up the chain to President Biden? Jonathan acknowledges that whilst he doesn't have the answer, what is clear is that this is a critical issue for Ukraine who needs to get as many pilots trained as quickly as possible. Jonathan also notes that Denmark and Romania are also facing similar challenges with a lack of trainers and infrastructure. He suggests that bringing retired pilots out of retirement, as is happening in France, is a sensible approach.

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Italy: Storm Shadow Missiles and SAMP/T Air Defence System to be Transferred to Ukraine

🎦 08:14-08:49

Citing Italian media sources, Jonathan reports that Italy will be sending Storm Shadow missiles and a SAMP/T air defence system to Ukraine as part of its next military aid package to be announced at the end of June. Jonathan believes that the Storm Shadow missiles, with their long-range capabilities, are exactly what Ukraine needs right now.

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Canada: NASAMS Air Defence System Update

🎦 08:49-09:46

Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, has said that Canada has yet to deliver on its promise, made over a year ago, to supply a NASAMS air defence system. Jonathan notes that some commentators, citing manufacturing issues, believe that this is not the fault of the Canadian government but rather a manufacturer issue. However, others such as Colby Badwar (a Canadian who regularly features in Jonathan's videos) believe that it is Canada's fault for not understanding what was needed and making a poor decision about how to best spend $400m.

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NATO: Defence Spending Update

🎦 09:46-13:33

NATO has published its estimates of defence spending for its members. 23 countries are now spending at least 2% of GDP on defence - in 2014, this figure was only 3 (USA, Greece and UK). Jonathan notes that the UK only reached 2% because the Cameron government changed how armed forces pensions were accounted for, incorporating them into the defence budget. Jonathan goes on to explain that NATO's definition of "defence spending" is fairly broad and includes spending on items that some might argue are not strictly defence related such as coast guards, peacekeeping and civilian intelligence - he notes that the USA does not include this. Jonathan observes that the increase in the number of countries who are now meeting the 2% target is significant - from 3 to 23 in 10 years represents a phenomenal amount of money - he also acknowledges that the war in Ukraine will have played a major part in this. He provides some examples of those countries who are at the top of that list:

  • Poland (4.32% of GDP) - this has been a recent change (from 3.9%) and is predominantly made up of kit purchased from the US and South Korea
  • Estonia (3.43%)
  • USA (3.38%)
  • Latvia (3.15%)
  • Greece (over 3%) - Greece has traditionally spent a lot on defence due to tensions with Turkey

He highlights those countries at the bottom of the list who are not meeting their commitments, branding them the "deadbeats":

  • Croatia (1.81%)
  • Portugal (1.55%)
  • Italy (1.49%)
  • Canada (1.37%)
  • Belgium (1.3%)
  • Luxembourg (1.29%)
  • Slovenia (1.29%)
  • Spain (1.28%)

Jonathan believes that the fact that Spain, the EU's 4th largest economy, is at the bottom of this list is particularly controversial given that they refused to give Patriot systems to Ukraine.

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Canada: No Plans to send Military Trainers to Ukraine

🎦 13:35-14:12

Canada's Defence Minister has said that Canada is not presently planning on sending military trainers to Ukraine, despite previous indications that they would support a French-led coalition of trainers.

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Netherlands: Now Meets NATO's 2% Defence Spending Target

🎦 14:12-15:34

The Netherlands is the latest country to meet NATO's 2% defence spending target. This is particularly relevant as the outgoing Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, is hoping to be appointed as the next NATO Secretary General. Jonathan explains that Rutte is rumoured to have done a deal with Hungary's Viktor Orban, who was initially not going to endorse Rutte's candidacy. Jonathan observes that there are those who believe that appointing Rutte, who has only recently met the 2% target, as NATO Secretary General would be controversial given that his appointment could be seen as endorsing the Netherlands' previous failure to meet the target for so long. Other candidates for the role include the Romanian leader and Estonia's Kaya Kallas (although it's been suggested she's too anti-Russian for the role).

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Germany: To Purchase 20 Typhoon Jets

🎦 16:09-17:11

German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has announced that Germany will be buying 20 more Typhoon jets. Jonathan notes that, at 2.12%, Germany is continuing to strengthen its defences and increase its support for Ukraine. He believes that this is a significant indicator that, given that the world is effectively engaged in World War 3, the prospects for peace are not good.

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France-Ukraine: CAESAR Howitzer Production

🎦 17:11-18:28

Ukraine is set to become the world's second largest operator of French-made CAESAR howitzers. By 2025, Ukraine will have 120 CAESARs. Nexter, the manufacturer, says it will be able to produce 144 CAESARs a year (12 per month). Jonathan points out the significance of the creation of a 4th production line in Ukraine and how this, along with increased production of 155mm shells, will be protected by SAMP/T air defence systems.

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France: Increased Production of 120mm Mortar Bombs

🎦 18:28-19:45

A French manufacturer has stated that it will be increasing production of 120mm mortar bombs from 20,000 (in 2023) to 80,000 (in 2026). Jonathan stresses just how vital 120mm mortars are to the Ukrainian armed forces and highlights that Ukraine needs millions of mortar bombs. He quotes defence analyst Andrew Perpetua, who regularly points out how important mortars are in warfare.

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UK: Royal Marines Test Jet Suits

🎦 19:45-21:14

Jonathan finishes with a lighter topic - footage of Royal Marines testing out Gravity Industries jet suits which can achieve speeds of up to 85 mph. Jonathan, ever the philosopher, observes how this technology has the potential to transform warfare in the future.

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Wrap up

🎦 21:14-21:31

Jonathan thanks viewers for watching, reminding them to like, share and subscribe and to stand on their left foot on a Tuesday morning whilst singing the national anthem (he's a stickler for tradition is our Jonathan!).

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I was unable to determine what "utsuno" referred to at timestamp 01:53. I have assumed this refers to Oleksandra Ustinova, the head of the Ukrainian Parliament's Commission on Arms and Ammunition but would appreciate it if you could clarify. I was also unable to clarify what "KMDS" referred to at timestamp 17:17. It would be helpful if you could clarify these.

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is a multi-part video about military aid so I will need to pay close attention to who is sending aid, the types of aid being sent (and values if mentioned) and any related opinions/analysis that Jonathan provides. I will also make a note of the sources that Jonathan uses. There are multiple topics in this video covering a range of subjects. I will ensure that I note these as separate topics and provide a useful quantified title for each. I will listen to the video in the background to ensure I fully understand the context of the transcript and to help me choose a suitable quote. Jonathan mentions at the start of the video that he needs to correct something he said in a previous video. I will make sure I capture this in the summary. He's also talking about the potential for Mark Rutte to become the next NATO Secretary General - this is a good example of the type of valuable insight that his viewers value.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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