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Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA: Bandera, Rudnytska, Nazis, & Nuance

Extra Wednesday, 5th April 2023, 21:31
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"History and reality is complicated. Black and white is too simplistic - there is gray to everyone and every situation is far more nuanced than we often give credit for."

Hello Team!

Jonathan introduces the topic of the video - discussing the controversial Ukrainian historical figures Stepan Bandera and Milena Rudnytska, and how they are often falsely labeled as Nazis by Russians to discredit Ukrainians who want independence. He notes that this is an oversimplification of complex issues and there needs to be more nuance in discussing Ukrainian history.

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Stepan Bandera - A Controversial Figure

  • Bandera was a Ukrainian political activist who led the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). He is a controversial figure, seen as a hero and symbol of Ukrainian independence by some, but condemned as a fascist and Nazi collaborator responsible for atrocities by others, particularly in Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
  • In 1941, Bandera declared an independent Ukrainian state and pledged cooperation with Nazi Germany, seeing them as an ally against the Soviet Union. However, the Nazis arrested and imprisoned him when they refused to recognize Ukrainian independence.
  • Some historians argue that while Bandera was fascistic and held extreme nationalist views, he was not technically a Nazi, as his ideology was focused on Ukrainian nationalism rather than Nazi racial theories. However, he and his followers did collaborate with the Nazis and participate in massacres of Poles and Jews.

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Russian Rhetoric Labeling Ukrainians as Nazis

Jonathan discusses how Russians, from the Kremlin to online commenters, often label Ukrainians fighting for independence as Nazis and Banderites. He argues this is a false dichotomy that oversimplifies complex historical and political issues. The Russian state itself has many elements of fascism, so those accusing others of Nazism are often closer to that ideology themselves.

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Insights from Timothy Snyder

Jonathan shares excerpts from Timothy Snyder's book "On Tyranny" which provides more context on Ukrainian nationalism:

  • Ukrainian nationalism was a relatively fringe movement in the 1920s-30s that became more prominent during WWII, when more extreme nationalists like Bandera took advantage of the chaos to further their goals, sometimes by collaborating with the Nazis and participating in atrocities.
  • However, in Ukraine today, support for far-right nationalism is very low, much lower than in most other European countries. It's inaccurate to portray Ukraine as a hotbed of Nazism.

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Milena Rudnytska - A Contrasting Figure

As a contrast to Bandera, Jonathan discusses Milena Rudnytska, a Ukrainian Jewish feminist who spoke out about the Holodomor famine in the 1930s. Despite being a democrat from a Jewish family, she was labeled a Nazi by the Soviets for criticizing their regime and trying to get aid to starving Ukrainians. This shows how the Nazis label has long been used by Russia/USSR to smear anyone who opposes them, regardless of the truth.

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The Rhetorical Tradition of False Nazi Labeling

The misleading rhetorical tactic of labeling political opponents as Nazis to discredit them, as the Soviets did to Rudnytska and others in the past, continues to this day, with Russia portraying the entire Ukrainian independence movement as Nazism. Jonathan argues this is an absurd oversimplification, noting he himself has been called a "Ukrainian Nazi" and "Banderite" by Russian commenters online, despite being a liberal British philosopher who opposes fascism. The "Nazi" smear is often used to dismiss people without engaging with their actual arguments or beliefs.

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Wrap Up

In conclusion, Jonathan reiterates that the history and politics surrounding figures like Bandera and Rudnytska are very complex, and it's important to discuss them with nuance rather than reductive labels like "Nazi". He recommends Timothy Snyder's book for those who want to learn more, and thanks his audience for their support.

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Steps: Introduce the topic of the video - Bandera, Rudnytska, Nazis and nuance in Ukrainian history Summarise key points about Stepan Bandera Controversial figure, hero to some Ukrainians, fascist/Nazi collaborator to others Wanted an independent Ukraine, saw Nazi Germany as an ally against the Soviet Union Declared an independent Ukraine in 1941 and pledged cooperation with Nazi Germany Arrested and imprisoned by the Nazis when they refused to recognize an independent Ukraine Called a fascist but not a Nazi by some historians Discuss how Russians often label Ukrainians as Nazis/Banderites to discredit them Share excerpts and key points from Timothy Snyder's book to provide more context Ukrainian nationalism was a fringe movement that became more prominent during WWII Some Ukrainian nationalists collaborated with Nazis and participated in atrocities Support for far-right nationalism is very low in Ukraine today Introduce Milena Rudnytska as a contrasting Ukrainian historical figure Jewish Ukrainian feminist who spoke out about the Holodomor famine Labeled a Nazi by the Soviets for criticizing their regime Discuss the rhetorical tradition of falsely labeling people as Nazis to discredit them Continues to this day, with Russians labeling Ukrainians and Ukraine supporters as Nazis Important to have nuance and not oversimplify complex historical figures and events Conclude with reflections on the topic and recommendations for further reading/listening



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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