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Ukraine Conflict: Full Frontline Update

Front Line Monday, 9th September 2024, 20:22
This summary has been produced automatically by an AI Large Language Model (LLM) without any human intervention. Whilst every effort has been made to prompt the LLM to produce accurate output, there may be inconsistencies, inaccuracies or hallucinations!
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:45
2Russian Mill Bloggers00:45-03:11
3Suriyak Maps03:11-03:38
4Andrew Perpetua03:22-03:38
5Kursk Oblast: Overview03:38-05:53
6Kursk Oblast: Ukrainian Gains05:53-06:05
, 07:25-07:41
7Kursk Oblast: Mapping Updates - Delays06:05-07:25
8Kursk Oblast: Noel Reports - Counteroffensive07:41-08:31
9Kursk Oblast: Bridge Attacks08:31-09:24
10Kursk Oblast: Bridge Attacks (continued) 09:24-10:20
11Kursk Oblast: Russian Air Power/Ukrainian Air Defences10:20-12:17
12Kursk Oblast: Ukrainian Gains (continued)12:17-13:18
13Kursk Oblast: Ukrainian Equipment Losses13:18-14:20
14Northeastern Axis: Overview14:20-16:02
15Northeastern Axis: Vovchansk16:02-17:55
16Svatove-Kreminna: Overview17:55-18:42
17Svatove-Kreminna: Ivano-Darivka18:42-20:26
18Bakhmut: Chasiv Yar20:26-21:42
19Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk/New York - Overview21:42-22:33
20Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk/New York - Ukrainian Reinforcements22:33-23:11
21Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk23:11-23:30
22Donetsk Oblast: New York - Chemical Factory23:30-24:49
23Donetsk Oblast: New York - Azov Brigade Footage24:49-28:02
24Donetsk Oblast: Ukraine Control Map/Weekend Update28:02-29:07
25Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk - Prison29:07-29:35
26Donetsk Oblast: Prokhorivka - Hrudivka29:35-30:22
27Donetsk Oblast: Seladove30:22-31:19
28Donetsk Oblast: Nevelske/Krasnohorivka31:19-34:16
29Donetsk Oblast: Nevelske/Krasnohorivka (continued)34:16-35:20
30Donetsk Oblast: Vodiane35:20-36:32
31Donetsk Oblast: Vuhledar - Importance of Terrain36:32-38:08
32Donetsk Oblast: Pavlivka - Russian Motorcycle Assault38:08-39:18
33Wrap Up39:18-40:52

"It's not so much about taking the land for the sake of the land. The land becomes a token of exchange, right? It becomes a currency."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:45

Jonathan welcomes viewers to the channel and reminds them that there is now a website (ATP Distilled) where they can find AI-generated summaries of all of his videos thanks to Benny Pye. The ISW (Institute for the Study of War) daily reports are also now included on the website, distilled to their key components.

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Russian Mill Bloggers

🎦 00:45-03:11

Jonathan kicks off by discussing the ISW daily report which focuses on Russian Mill Bloggers. Despite the Kremlin's strategy of controlling the narrative in Russia, some Mill Bloggers remain critical of the Kremlin, though its control of information is not absolute. Mill Blogger Alexander Sladkov faced criminal charges (later dropped) following criticism of the Russian Military, suggesting that Putin prefers co-opting to silencing. There is evidence of self-censorship. Another Mill Blogger posted videos (later retracted) claiming that traitors are in the Kremlin. One former Storm Z unit instructor has criticised the training of drone unit commanders which has led to unnecessary losses for Russia.

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Suriyak Maps

🎦 03:11-03:38

Jonathan issues a reminder that one of the mappers he uses (Suriyak Maps) is pro-Russian and that viewers should bear in mind that they may be under pressure from the Kremlin. He notes that JR believes Suriyak maps to be based in Spain, but it is unclear whether they are a random mapper or acting under duress. Jonathan notes that Suriyak Maps previously mapped the Syrian war and that their Twitter handle contains lots of maps. He concludes by reminding viewers to take everyone's claims with a pinch of salt.

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Andrew Perpetua

🎦 03:22-03:38

Jonathan reaffirms that he considers Andrew Perpetua to be a very honest mapper who is objective despite his pro-Ukrainian stance - he is brutally honest when he needs to be.

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Kursk Oblast: Overview

🎦 03:38-05:53

Jonathan begins by noting that the Kursk region is a mixed bag with gains and losses. The Russians have made gains in Koronovo, pushing back Ukrainian advances. Jonathan reminds viewers that the Russians have deployed a large number of troops to the region (supposedly 60,000) and that the Ukrainians are not trying to take the land, but are forcing the Russians to deploy troops to the area. Any gains are a bonus. He explains that for the Ukrainians, the land is a bargaining chip. He uses the analogy of currency. There may be Operational/Strategic advantages (e.g. control of logistics/rail networks), but it is principally about exchanging territory, drawing troops and for PR reasons.

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Kursk Oblast: Ukrainian Gains

🎦 05:53-06:05
, 07:25-07:41

Jonathan notes that the Ukrainians have made gains in two areas:

  • Neidanov - now under the control of Ukraine, advancing towards Kabychievka. Jonathan notes that he reported this gain a few days ago.
  • Ukrainians pushing further east of Borky, having taken control of Spalnoia. Jonathan observes that this is quite a large area that the Russians have ceded, though notes that Andrew Perpetua has mapped this previously.

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Kursk Oblast: Mapping Updates - Delays

🎦 06:05-07:25

Jonathan notes that the recent map updates cover a three-day period. He observes that Suriyak maps are quick to update when Russia makes gains, but slower when Ukraine does. He provides an example of when the Russians briefly enter an area that was subsequently retaken by Ukraine, Suriyak maps was quick to claim this as a Russian gain despite it being very short-lived. They are slow to update when Ukraine makes gains.

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Kursk Oblast: Noel Reports - Counteroffensive

🎦 07:41-08:31

Jonathan refers to a report from Noel Reports that the Russians are preparing a counter-attack in the Kursk region to restore lost territory in recent weeks. He notes that there are fewer reports/updates coming out of the region suggesting a move towards more positional warfare.

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Kursk Oblast: Bridge Attacks

🎦 08:31-09:24

Jonathan observes that there have been lots of reports/footage of bridge attacks in Kursk. He shows dashcam footage of a bridge being hit just ahead of a vehicle, forcing it to stop and reverse. Further footage shows a JDAM strike on a bridge. He observes that Bridges appear to be a priority target for the Ukrainians, likely in preparation for further westward advances south of the river.

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Kursk Oblast: Bridge Attacks (continued)

🎦 09:24-10:20

Jonathan lists several bridges that have been targeted including Karizh, Zvanjoe, and Glushkovo. Pontoon bridges are also being targeted and destroyed. Jonathan shares a quote from Andrew Perpetua describing the number of bombs Russia is dropping in the region as "insanity", and reports that Ukrainian sources are saying that the volume of Russian artillery in the region is such that they are using guided bombs (including JDAM-ER and KABs) to target Ukrainian positions in the region. Some sources believe that the lack of Ukrainian progress in the region is due to the need to focus on countering this and that Ukraine has enough stocks to do so.

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Kursk Oblast: Russian Air Power/Ukrainian Air Defences

🎦 10:20-12:17

Jonathan explains that Ukraine can't deploy air defences (e.g. Patriots) close to the border in Kursk as this would make them vulnerable to artillery, MLRS etc. The range of Russian aircraft (70km) means that they are able to operate from within Russia and strike deep into the region (he illustrates this using the map). Jonathan observes that to counter this threat, Ukraine needs to deploy medium-range air defence systems to the region but acknowledges that this would make them prime targets. He concludes that the only way to counter the threat from Russian aircraft is to destroy the airbases they are operating from, though this is easier said than done.

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Kursk Oblast: Ukrainian Gains (continued)

🎦 12:17-13:18

Jonathan refers to claims by Global War Monitor that Ukraine has taken 26 square kilometres of territory in the region following the capture of Nadenov. Suriyak maps claims that Ukraine has retaken Spalnoia (east of Borky), whilst clashes are ongoing in Chukashkaya Konopelka.

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Kursk Oblast: Ukrainian Equipment Losses

🎦 13:18-14:20

Jonathan shows footage of a Czech PT-91 Twardy tank that has been destroyed by a Lancet drone, observing that the Ukrainians are losing equipment (combat assets) in the region. He reiterates that the area is a cauldron and that Ukraine is vulnerable to Russian artillery and guided bombs.

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Northeastern Axis: Overview

🎦 14:20-16:02

Moving to the Northeastern axis, Jonathan begins by noting that the Russians appear to have made gains in the Sinkivka area. Both Suriyak maps and Andrew Perpetua are in agreement. He observes that this is worrying for Ukraine as it moves them closer to Kupyansk, though notes that the Ukrainians hold the high ground in the region. There is no change in the Peschani area. Suriyak maps shows the Russians making small gains south of Novoselivska and north of Stelmakhivka, closing in on the pocket of land they still don't control. Further south, the Russians have made a small gain of a couple of fields in the gully. Jonathan summarises that the Russians have made the most gains in the Northeast.

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Northeastern Axis: Vovchansk

🎦 16:02-17:55

Jonathan reports that the only information he has for the Kharkiv Oblast is imagery of the destruction in Vovchansk, which he describes as "heartbreaking", noting that the town has been subject to sustained attacks (from both sides). Both sides are using guided bombs (Ukraine GBU-39s) in the area. Jonathan notes that the Russians may have redeployed units from this region to Kursk, presenting an opportunity for Ukraine to capitalise. He speculates that Ukraine may be using the situation in Kursk as a distraction, though this would require the Ukrainians to commit resources.

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Svatove-Kreminna: Overview

🎦 17:55-18:42

Moving south past Kreminna to the Seversk front line, Jonathan notes that there has been no change in the Chasiv Yar area which is good news for Ukraine.

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Svatove-Kreminna: Ivano-Darivka

🎦 18:42-20:26

Jonathan describes how Suriyak maps showed a significant Russian advance in the Ivano-Darivka area south of the Serebiansky forest, whilst Andrew Perpetua designated it as a grey zone. He notes that this area is sparsely populated and that it is unclear who controls it. It is likely that both sides are fighting for control. Jonathan reiterates that this is a good example of where Suriyak Maps coloured a large area red (Russian control) on the basis of limited evidence (e.g. footage of a Russian flag being raised). This is in contrast to Andrew Perpetua who prefers to wait for confirmation that one side is in control. Jonathan believes that Suriyak Maps is walking back their previous claims.

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Bakhmut: Chasiv Yar

🎦 20:26-21:42

Jonathan reports that there has been no change in Chasiv Yar, describing this as "really good news". Russian forces have been trying to take the town all summer. He notes that there is a large discrepancy between Suriyak Maps and Andrew Perpetua, with Suriyak maps showing the Russians to be in control of the area. Jonathan questions whether the Russians do control the area and highlights that this is in contrast to Andrew Perpetua's mapping. This area represents the biggest discrepancy between the two mappers. He would like to know what Andrew Perpetua thinks.

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Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk/New York - Overview

🎦 21:42-22:33

Moving south to the Donestk Oblast, Jonathan observes that the Russians have deployed troops to both the Turetsk and Prokhorovka areas. He considers that this is an indication that these are more important to the Russians than Kursk.

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Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk/New York - Ukrainian Reinforcements

🎦 22:33-23:11

Jonathan refers to a report from Defmon that Ukraine has redeployed units from 4 national guard brigades to the Turetsk/New York sector to shore up defences and slow the Russian advance, which appears to have worked. There has been a bit of push and shove, with Ukraine retaking some territory.

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Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk

🎦 23:11-23:30

Jonathan notes Suriyak Maps shows that the Russians have made advances into the main part of Turetsk.

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Donetsk Oblast: New York - Chemical Factory

🎦 23:30-24:49

Jonathan describes the situation in New York, beginning by noting that Suriyak Maps shows the Russians have made significant gains in the town. Ukrainian forces were holed up in a chemical factory in the town. Jonathan explains that it is likely that the factory has tunnels/bunkers underneath. The Russians surrounded the factory, hoping to starve out the Ukrainians. The Azov Brigade broke through the Russian lines to relieve the Ukrainian troops in the factory, creating a larger corridor, though the Russians appear to have retaken territory around the edges. Andrew Perpetua maps the area differently, showing much of it to be a grey zone, and that Ukrainians are in control of the factory and a larger area to the east and west.

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Donetsk Oblast: New York - Azov Brigade Footage

🎦 24:49-28:02

Jonathan reports claims that the Russians have made advances to the west of the chemical factory, though these reports are a couple of days old. He then shares a video of what appears to be members of the Azov Special Operations Brigade walking calmly down a street with a dog. The footage has been geolocated and appears to have been filmed deep within Russian-controlled New York. Jonathan is puzzled by this, as it would indicate that the Ukrainians are in control of this area, despite what the maps show. Jonathan observes that there is no sound of gunfire in the video and that the soldiers are not behaving as if they are in imminent danger. They are not running/hiding. He wonders whether the footage is old, or whether the Azov Brigade really is patrolling deep behind enemy lines.

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Donetsk Oblast: Ukraine Control Map/Weekend Update

🎦 28:02-29:07

Jonathan refers to the latest update from Ukraine Control Map (08/09/2024) which highlights that Russian forces have made further gains in Turetsk. He also notes that the report states that the Russians have made small advances in the Prokhorivka and Seladove areas. Finally, he notes that the report highlights the widespread use of thermite drones by the Ukrainian armed forces, as reported by Jonathan previously.

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Donetsk Oblast: Turetsk - Prison

🎦 29:07-29:35

Jonathan reports that Suriyak Maps show that the Russians have taken control of Turetsk Prison (number 2). He speculates that this will be beneficial to the Russians as they will be well-fortified.

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Donetsk Oblast: Prokhorivka - Hrudivka

🎦 29:35-30:22

Jonathan notes that there have been no Ukrainian advances towards the T-0504 highway near Nova Aleksandrivka. However, the Russians may have made advances towards Prokhorivka itself, although this could be Suriyak Maps catching up, though there are reports that Hrudivka is under Russian control or under a lot of pressure. Both mappers agree.

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Donetsk Oblast: Seladove

🎦 30:22-31:19

Jonathan reports that Suriyak Maps show that Russian forces are making gains in Seladove, having been pushed back by Ukrainian forces previously. They now control around 40% of the town. There are no corresponding changes to Andrew Perpetua's maps. Jonathan is unable to find any further details on the Suriyak maps feed.

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Donetsk Oblast: Nevelske/Krasnohorivka

🎦 31:19-34:16

Jonathan reports that both Russian and Ukrainian sources are claiming that Nevelske is now under Russian control following the capture of Krasnohorivka, and that Ukrainian forces are at risk of encirclement. Suriyak Maps shows that Russian forces have taken territory to the south of the town. He notes that these are worrying gains and describes how Nevelske was a very important defensive position for Ukraine that helped prevent Russia from advancing. Ukrainian forces were dug in with trench networks and fortifications. He speculates that these gains could lead to the encirclement of a sizeable Ukrainian force if Russia is able to link its gains in the north with those in the south. Jonathan believes that this area will likely fall to the Russians and that Ukraine will be forced to cede a considerable amount of territory.

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Donetsk Oblast: Nevelske/Krasnohorivka (continued)

🎦 34:16-35:20

Jonathan shares a comment from a viewer that questions whether Ukraine is withdrawing from the Nevelske Salient, given how deep the Russian advance has been. He notes that there has been a lot of speculation on the internet about a Ukrainian withdrawal and suggests that this is likely what is happening. Jonathan predicts that we may see the area fall under Russian control soon.

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Donetsk Oblast: Vodiane

🎦 35:20-36:32

Jonathan observes that Andrew Perpetua shows the town of Vodiane as being under complete Russian control, whilst Suriyak Maps doesn't. There has been a statement from the Ukrainian General Staff/unit commander that the Russians do not control the town, though this could be a PR exercise. Jonathan trusts Andrew Perpetua's reporting. However, it could be that the Ukrainians are still fighting for the town. He explains that Vodiane is strategically important to Ukraine as it prevents Vuhledar from being flanked by the Russians. He speculates that if Russia does take Vodiane it will be a worrying development and that the entire front line in the area could collapse.

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Donetsk Oblast: Vuhledar - Importance of Terrain

🎦 36:32-38:08

Jonathan highlights that Vodiane occupies the high ground overlooking the area and compares it to Vuhledar. Vuhledar is approximately 14 metres higher than the surrounding area. He explains how the Ukrainians were able to defend Vuhledar from attacks from the south (using ATGMs) but that Russian forces have switched tactics and are trying to capture Vodiane to gain the high ground and make an assault easier.

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Donetsk Oblast: Pavlivka - Russian Motorcycle Assault

🎦 38:08-39:18

Jonathan reports that Ukrainian forces repelled an attack in the northern part of Pavlivka by a Russian "Assault Motorcycle Group". He notes that Motorcycles are being used a lot in the area, and explains why this is the case: It's difficult for the Ukrainians to target them as they are small. He observes that to take out 20 men on motorcycles would require 20 munitions, whilst one IFV could be destroyed with one well-aimed munition.

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Wrap Up

🎦 39:18-40:52

Jonathan thanks viewers for watching, reminding them about the ATP Distilled website, and mentioning that there is a merchant support page should they wish to support the channel. He encourages viewers to check out his books which are available from the website. He finishes by thanking Benny Pye for all his hard work.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I am unclear what Jonathan is referring to at timestamp 22:59-23:05⏩ when he says "I'm not going to tourette's" I understand this is a neurological condition. It's possible that this is an error in the transcript.

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is quite a long transcript and will require breaking down methodically. Step 1 - Video details: I need to extract the Title, Date and Part (if applicable) from the Youtube Title using the rules provided: Youtube video title "Ukraine Conflict (20240909): Full Frontline Update" becomes Title - Ukraine Conflict: Full Frontline Update Date - 09/09/2024 Part - (empty) Step 2 - Topic Titles: I need to work through the transcript chronologically, splitting it into topics and writing a concise/specific/quantified title for each. I will do this before moving on to the next steps. This will take time to do properly but will help for the subsequent tasks. Step 3 - Topic Timeframes: Once I have the topic titles, I can go through each and record the start/end timestamps. I'll use the format MM:SS. I will use this to check for any missing topics from step 2 and also to ensure I don't miss any content out. Step 4 - Topic Summaries: I will then write a summary for each topic including all relevant details, ensuring I use British English (EN-GB) spellings and Ukrainian spellings for placenames. I'll also need to watch out for and make note of any opinions that Jonathan shares. Step 5 - Quote: Once I've finished the summaries, I will choose a good quote. Step 6 - Queries: Finally, I need to make a note of anything I don't understand.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce, J.R. (Cartographer)

I'm a bot! I summarise ATP Geopolitics videos