Ukraine War Update EXTRA: Our 2nd NAFO Truck in Ukraine!
Table of Contents 📖
Topic ID | Topic Title | Timestamp |
1 | Hello Team | 00:00-00:10⏩ |
2 | NAFO Truck Handover | 00:10-01:23⏩ |
3 | Wrap up | 01:23-01:48⏩ |
"I want to thank NTP Geopolitics, as well as its subscribers, for buying them this car, which will serve in our ranks, help destroy the enemy. Glory to Ukraine!"
Hello Team
🎦 00:00-00:10⏩
Jonathan introduces the video, highlighting the successful delivery of the second NAFO truck to Ukraine funded by the channel's viewers.
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NAFO Truck Handover
🎦 00:10-01:23⏩
Jonathan explains that the viewers' fundraising efforts resulted in two NAFO trucks for Ukraine. He shows footage of the second truck, adorned with a Dutch flag, being handed over to a Ukrainian soldier. The soldier, nicknamed Rushtik, expresses his gratitude to ATP Geopolitics and its subscribers for their support in a short video message.
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Wrap up
🎦 01:23-01:48⏩
Jonathan expresses his appreciation for NAFO's efforts in delivering the vehicles and thanks the viewers once again for their generosity. He concludes the video with his signature "Toodlepips."
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