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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Geopolitical News

News🔷Geopolitics Thursday, 18th April 2024, 18:25
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-02:00
2Georgia Protests02:00-04:18
3French Authorities seize Villa belonging to Putin's ex-wife04:19-05:04
4German Politician Questioned over suspected Russian Funding 05:04-06:36
5Russian Disinformation in Africa06:37-07:14
6Russian Hackers target US Water Utilities07:14-11:11
7Secret Russian Foreign Policy Document 11:11-14:40
8Microsoft Report: Russian Disinformation Campaign14:40-17:13
9US Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett17:14-19:51
1020 Days in Mariupol Screened in the European Parliament 19:52-20:41
11German Vice Chancellor Visits Kyiv20:41-21:23
12Impact of Sanctions on Russia 21:24-22:18
13Wrap up22:19-22:50

"They just need to get to it and stop peddling Putin's lies."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-02:00

Jonathan welcomes viewers to another video - it is the third part (fourth if you include the military aid update) of his Ukraine War News Update. He begins by making a correction about an assertion made in a previous video - that rodents had been gnawing away at a dam in Russia, contributing to the reason it broke. Having been contacted by viewers in the Netherlands (who know a thing or two about dykes and dams!), it seems that this could be a possibility! Jonathan concedes that whilst rodents could have been responsible, if it weren't for endemic corruption in Russia, the authorities would have been on top of it. Jonathan thanks his Dutch viewers for the correction.

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Georgia Protests

🎦 02:00-04:18

Jonathan moves onto the situation in Georgia, reporting on the ongoing issues in Tbilisi and elsewhere, in particular the protests which have been taking place over the past couple of days. The protests centre around the "foreign agent" law that the pro-Russian Georgian Dream party are attempting to pass, a law which would give the government much greater control over democratic processes and align the country closer to Russia - a similar law to those in Hungary and Russia. The law has been successfully passed by the Georgian Dream party on its second draft with all 83 majority MPs voting in favour. Footage shows huge crowds protesting in Tbilisi and there are reports that the leader of the opposition parties have been detained by Georgian Security Forces. Jonathan expresses his hope that the situation can be resolved without violence and a crackdown on democracy. Footage is shown of protesters in Tbilisi chanting "Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Georgia, F Russia". More footage shows people marching through Batumi carrying EU flags.

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French Authorities seize Villa belonging to Putin's ex-wife

🎦 04:19-05:04

A court in France has seized a villa worth 5.4 million Euros belonging to the current husband of Putin's ex-wife, Lyudmila Putina. The villa, located in a small village outside of Avdiivka was confiscated in December by French authorities following a complaint by Transparency International who questioned the origin of the funds used to buy the property.

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German Politician Questioned over suspected Russian Funding

🎦 05:04-06:36

Jonathan reports that the FBI questioned a far-right German lawmaker, Maximilian Krah in New York last December over suspicions he was receiving money from the Kremlin. Krah has denied the allegations. Two further suspected Russian spies have been arrested in Beirut - they are suspected of spying on US bases and planning attacks on military transport routes used to supply military aid to Ukraine. According to reports, the suspects, both German-Russian, are from Bavaria - the main suspect is believed to have been a member of the militia of the Donetsk People's Republic.

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Russian Disinformation in Africa

🎦 06:37-07:14

Jonathan states that Russian disinformation is also taking place in Africa, reporting that Russia are planning disinformation campaigns in Sudan in an attempt to discredit Ukrainian fighters. Ukrainian and Russian fighters are both operating in Sudan.

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Russian Hackers target US Water Utilities

🎦 07:14-11:11

Hackers linked to the Russian Military have claimed responsibility for sabotaging US Water Utilities. Jonathan expresses his frustration that the whole of the American political landscape haven't woken up to the fact that Russia are not the good guys and that they are fighting directly against the US. He poses the question - what does Marjorie Taylor Greene have to say about this? Jonathan goes on to say that according to a report in Wired, a Russian Military intelligence unit (Sandworm), have been behind some of the most disruptive hacking events in history (e.g. triggering blackouts in Ukraine and releasing self-spreading destructive code). In recent months, a group linked to Sandworm have claimed responsibility for directly targeting digital systems belonging to water utilities in the United States, Poland and France in an effort to sabotage critical infrastructure. The US victims include multiple water utilities in Texas and in Poland a water treatment plant. A French watermill was also targeted. Cybersecurity firm Mandiant has uncovered links between this hacker group and Sandworm, a unit of Russia's GRU military intelligence agency. They have found evidence that they helped to create the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn and have tracked data stolen from networks attacked by Sandworm to leaks by the Cyber Army of Russia Reborn group. Jonathan states that this is effectively cyber warfare and highlights the challenges of proving that these groups are state actors as they often operate under the guise of plausible deniability.

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Secret Russian Foreign Policy Document

🎦 11:11-14:40

Jonathan talks about a secret Russian foreign policy document that has come to light - its aim - to weaken the US. Jonathan reads excerpts from a Washington Post article which reveal that Russia's foreign ministry has been drawing up plans to try and leverage the war in Ukraine to forge a global order free from American dominance. The classified addendum, part of Russia's official foreign policy concept calls for an offensive information campaign across military, political, economic, trade, informational and psychological spheres, targeting a coalition of unfriendly countries led by the United States. In the document, Russia states "we need to continue adjusting our approach to relations with unfriendly states. It is important to create a mechanism for finding the vulnerable points of their external and internal policies with the aim of developing practical steps to weaken Russia's opponents." This, Jonathan believes, is further evidence that Russia have pitted themselves against the US. The Washington Post article, citing Western officials, warns that Russia has been escalating its propaganda and influence campaigns over the past few years in an effort to undermine support for Ukraine, creating a new global divide. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once Russia's richest man, is quoted as saying "for Putin it is absolutely natural that the that he should try to create the maximum number of problems for the US....the task is to take the US out of the game and try and destroy NATO....that this doesn't mean dissolving it but to create the feeling among people that NATO isn't defending them." Jonathan expresses his concern and frustration, asking "Why are people like Marjorie Taylor Greene not sat down and shown this? Why are they not educated on these matters?"

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Microsoft Report: Russian Disinformation Campaign

🎦 14:40-17:13

Jonathan reports that Microsoft have published a report warning that a Russian online disinformation campaign, targeting the upcoming US election, has begun. US officials have confirmed that Russia engaged in a widespread campaign of disinformation and hacking during the past two presidential elections, in particular in 2016. According to Microsoft, Russia's campaign has been underway for the past month and a half and that one of the aims is to spread divisive content that criticises US support for Ukraine, often using fake whistleblower narratives that are picked up by US media outlets, spreading disinformation. Jonathan draws parallels with the Swedish media report (covered in a previous video) and how disinformation stories can easily spread (e.g. starting in Egypt with an anonymous YouTube video before spreading).

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US Democrat Representative Jasmine Crockett

🎦 17:14-19:51

Jonathan talks about US Democrat representative for Texas's 30th congressional district, Jasmine Crockett, stating that she is "just on it" when it comes to calling out Russia and disinformation. He plays a clip of a speech that she gave recently in the House of Representatives: > "Something else that was appalling to me was this insinuation that when you look at the Ukrainians, which is why we're having problems getting the funding that Ukraine needs, it's because people in this chamber push misinformation and disinformation. They want to talk about the Ukrainians got all of these Nazis. Well, let me tell you something, you can find Nazis anywhere. You can find them right here in the United States. In fact, a bunch of the people that they're calling victims and prisoners of war, also known as convicted felons from January 6th. I have an article that I'd like to enter into the record by unanimous consent that says, Neo-Nazi January 6th rioter pleads guilty, without objection. Thank you so much. So, here's the point. We have people in this chamber that are actually causing just as much a threat, if not more of a threat to our own country. We should be talking about holding our very own accountable for the misinformation and disinformation that they are spreading, whether it's coming out of China, whether it's coming out of Russia, or whoever is peddling it, it is a problem. Because right now what we see is that people are dying, and we cannot get the support that we need from the public because they continue to peddle lies and I'm tired of it because I didn't come to this chamber to play games. I came to this chamber to answer to the people, the American people, and to make sure that we keep the American people safe. And if we don't get something done, as they talk about the border, I do want to be clear, the only reason we don't get something done, as they talk about the border, I do want to be clear, the only reason we haven't gotten funding for the border is because they killed the House Republicans here, killed the bill that they actually sent us from the Senate side. If they want to do some work, let me tell you something. The Democrats are ready, and it seems like the Senate Republicans are ready too. They just need to get to it and stop peddling Putin's lies. Thank you, and I yield." Jonathan, clearly impressed, says "Boom! Drop mic. Well done Crockett! Amazing stuff!" He returns to his point about politicians like Marjorie Taylor Green, believing that it would be a waste of time trying to educate them.

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20 Days in Mariupol Screened in the European Parliament

🎦 19:52-20:41

On a more positive note, Jonathan reports that the documentary "20 Days in Mariupol" was screened at the European Parliament - the footage shows a packed auditorium. He welcomes the news and hopes that this will give them a proper understanding of what's happening in Ukraine and encourage them to make rational decisions.

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German Vice Chancellor Visits Kyiv

🎦 20:41-21:23

Jonathan announces that the German Vice Chancellor, Robert Habeck, has arrived in Kyiv and has promised more military aid for Ukraine. Germany will be supplying Ukraine with another Iris-T rocket surface-to-air missile system.

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Impact of Sanctions on Russia

🎦 21:24-22:18

More good news - sanctions appear to be having an impact. According to Bloomberg, Russian exports to China have fallen by 16% in March compared to last year, suggesting that the US threat to impose sanctions on those who continue to trade with Russia is having an impact. In addition, there has been a 25% drop in exports of Russian diesel. Jonathan is hopeful that these measures will hit Russia where it hurts - in their pockets!

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Wrap up

🎦 22:19-22:50

Jonathan thanks viewers for watching and for the lively conversations in the comments - he says that he tries to read as many as he can, acknowledging that he doesn't always have time to reply to them all. He comments on what a beautiful day it is, stating that he should be outside getting some vitamin D and that after a well deserved cup of tea, he will be back again soon.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I wasn't able to ascertain whether the Iris-T rocket surface-to-air missile system being sent to Ukraine from Germany was new or one that had been promised previously.

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is a multi-part video (part C) and is the third part of Jonathan's Ukraine War Update News video for the 18th April 2024. There are no maps in this video. The video focuses on geopolitical news. Jonathan starts with a correction about rodent damage to a Russian Dam (a previous assertion by Jonathan) and then moves onto news from Georgia about the "foreign agent" law. There's news from France about the seizure of assets belonging to Putin's ex-wife, before Jonathan then talks about suspected Russian spies in Germany and a plot to target military aid. Next up is Russian disinformation in Sudan followed by news that hackers linked to Russia have sabotaged US water utilities. Jonathan then discusses a secret Russian foreign policy document that urges action to weaken the US - Jonathan reads excerpts from a Washington Post article. The next topic is about a Microsoft report which details a Russian online disinformation campaign targeting the upcoming US election has begun. Jonathan then expresses his admiration for US Democrat representative Jasmine Crockett (from Texas), playing a clip of a recent speech she gave about Russian disinformation, praising her for calling out Putin. After this, the video moves to a more positive topic - the screening of the documentary "20 Days in Mariupol" to the European Parliament. Jonathan welcomes the news that Robert Habeck, Germany's vice chancellor, has arrived in Kyiv and has announced more military aid for Ukraine. There's good news too regarding the impact of sanctions - Russian exports to China are down 16% year on year as reported by Bloomberg and there's also been a 25% drop in exports of Russian diesel. Jonathan rounds up the video, thanking viewers for watching and for the conversations in the comments. Before signing off he mentions that it is a beautiful day, he will be going for a cup of tea and will be back soon.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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