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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Pt 1 - Overnight & Other News

News🔷Hits and Losses Thursday, 13th June 2024, 11:29
This summary has been produced automatically by an AI Large Language Model (LLM) without any human intervention. Whilst every effort has been made to prompt the LLM to produce accurate output, there may be inconsistencies, inaccuracies or hallucinations!
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:47
2Ukrainian General Staff Report: Russian Losses00:47-01:41
3Oryx Report: Ukrainian Losses01:41-04:46
4Oryx Report: Russian Losses04:46-06:11
5 "Track Garden Sheds" - A Deep Dive06:11-09:19
6Russian Communication Station Destroyed in Kursk09:19-10:16
7Ukrainian Kamikaze Drone Production and Effectiveness10:16-14:10
8A Quiet Night on the Missile Front (or is it?)14:10-16:01
9Civilian Casualties From Rocket Attack 16:01-16:46
10Russian KH-101 Missiles: More Destructive and "Insidious" Tactics16:46-18:59
11Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Early Warning Radar Paying Off18:59-20:31
12Russia Deploys S-500 Air Defence System to Crimea20:31-23:24
13War Crime Allegations Against Russia in Mariupol23:24-25:21
14State of Emergency in Russia's Rostov Region Due to Crop Failure25:21-26:24
15US Sanctions Target Moscow Stock Exchange26:24-29:26
16Another Ukrainian Drowning on the Hungarian Border29:26-30:48
17Nature Rebounds a Year After Kakhovka Dam Destruction30:48-34:40
18Wrap Up34:40-34:45

"It's cool when nature fights back - love it!"

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:47

Jonathan welcomes viewers to another ATP Geopolitics update. He mentions an upcoming talk he'll be giving in Northampton on Saturday and encourages viewers in the area to attend (details in the video description).

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  1. These are real people with real lives and real families who love them. Don’t let the numbers sap your humanity.
  2. These numbers probably aren’t accurate but they’re the best we have and we don’t need them to be accurate to be indicative of patterns of activity.
  3. All losses are estimates. Losses cannot be counted with accuracy because of the conditions on the ground.
  4. Both sides would see it to be of their advantage to minimize their own losses maximize the other side’s losses.
  5. Neither side releases their losses but we have enough transparency from the Ukrainian side to have confidence in they are indicative.
  6. Personnel losses are hard to count. If a soldier gets injured, heals up, and returns to the front line only to get injured again, is that one loss or two? Also, how to deal with losses from PMC’s or soldiers fighting with RF from occupied territories?
  7. Equipment losses are hard to count. If an AA complex involves several parts and one part gets disabled, is that a loss, or a fraction of a loss? If a tank gets disabled, repaired, back into the fight, then disabled again, is that one lost tank or two?
  8. All recorded losses are vulnerable to multiple reporting. We have already seen numerous cases of multiple drones in the air reporting the same loss from different angles as multiple engagements.
  9. Losses are not always reported on the same day they occurred. It is frequent that drone losses are reported at least 24 hours after other terrestrial equipment losses. Certain losses may not be reported for days or weeks for military intelligence reasons.

Ukrainian General Staff Report: Russian Losses

🎦 00:47-01:41

Jonathan reviews the Ukrainian General Staff's figures for Russian losses, noting they are lower than usual but still significant:

  • 980 personnel
  • 17 tanks (double the average)
  • 21 armoured personnel vehicles (above average)
  • 34 artillery systems (double the average)
  • 2 anti-aircraft warfare systems
  • 58 vehicles and fuel tanks
  • 4 pieces of special equipment

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Oryx Report: Ukrainian Losses

🎦 01:41-04:46

Jonathan analyses losses reported by Oryx, highlighting:

  • Ratio of Russian to Ukrainian losses is approaching parity (around 1.5:1).
  • Ukrainians suffered heavy losses, including an Su-27 (unclear if damaged or destroyed), an S-300 battery (a significant loss as they are the "workhorse" of Ukrainian air defence), a Marder infantry fighting vehicle, and various other artillery and vehicles.
  • An increasing proportion of Ukrainian losses are Western equipment.

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Oryx Report: Russian Losses

🎦 04:46-06:11

Jonathan examines Russian losses reported by Oryx, which include:

  • A Buk-M2 and a Strela-10 air defence system
  • Two radar systems (KP-5N63S and Zupac-1 - potentially high value)
  • Numerous engineering vehicles, suggesting Ukrainians are targeting these.
  • The usual complement of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and APCs.

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"Track Garden Sheds" - A Deep Dive

🎦 06:11-09:19

Jonathan discusses the "track garden sheds" (also known as "turtle tanks" or "blapmobiles") frequently seen in Russian losses. These are tanks modified to carry troops, with metal sheeting added for protection. He ponders the reasons behind their use:

  • Are they protecting troops during transport?
  • Are they utilising faulty tanks whose turrets can't rotate?
  • Is there a tactical advantage to using tanks in this way, rather than IFVs or APCs?

Jonathan acknowledges there are many unanswered questions. He concludes that while they offer some protection, their use raises questions about their effectiveness and whether they represent optimal use of resources.

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Russian Communication Station Destroyed in Kursk

🎦 09:19-10:16

Jonathan reports on the destruction of a new Russian communication station (R-416 GM) in the Kursk region, likely targeted by Ukrainian drones. This is significant as:

  • It is the first time this type of communication station has been seen since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
  • It facilitates communication between command posts and Russian army units.
  • Its location in Kursk suggests it could have been part of preparations for a potential assault across the border into Ukraine's Sumy Oblast.

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Ukrainian Kamikaze Drone Production and Effectiveness

🎦 10:16-14:10

Jonathan cites a report from French news outlet Le Figaro claiming Ukraine is launching 100,000-150,000 kamikaze drones per month but only achieving a 10-20% success rate.

  • If true, this suggests a massive scaling up of Ukrainian drone production.
  • Jonathan isn't surprised by Russian complaints of a Ukrainian drone advantage.
  • He believes the 10-20% success rate, attributed to pilot error, hardware failure, enemy jamming, and distance, is in line with what he's heard previously.
  • Jonathan highlights the need for large numbers of drones to overcome these challenges, citing an example of one unit requiring almost 40 drones to successfully hit a single target due to electronic warfare.
  • The report notes French manufacturers are developing more robust drones with better jamming resistance but require government orders to ramp up production. Jonathan sees this as a common theme, with manufacturers ready to supply but needing confirmation of orders.

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A Quiet Night on the Missile Front (or is it?)

🎦 14:10-16:01

  • Jonathan reports a quiet night regarding missile strikes but notes conflicting information about a fire at an "industrial enterprise" in the Kyiv region.
  • While officially attributed to falling debris from a Russian missile intercepted the previous night, Jonathan is sceptical.
  • The fire, still burning after 24 hours, suggests it could be an oil depot, a more likely target, and that Ukrainian claims of debris could be disinformation.
  • He points out the significance of losing oil infrastructure for the Ukrainian war effort.

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Civilian Casualties From Rocket Attack

🎦 16:01-16:46

  • Jonathan reports on a rocket attack on a residential neighbourhood that resulted in nine deaths and 32 injuries, including five children.
  • It is unclear when this attack took place and what the intended target was.

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Russian KH-101 Missiles: More Destructive and "Insidious" Tactics

🎦 16:46-18:59

  • Defence expert Ivan Krechevsky claims Russian KH-101 cruise missiles, already a significant threat to Ukrainian energy infrastructure, have been modified four times and now weigh around 800kg, doubling their destructive power.
  • Jonathan expresses concern about this development.
  • Krechevsky also alleges Russia is employing "insidious tactics", specifically using cluster munitions in the KH-101 warheads.
  • This means even when intercepted, the scattered cluster munitions detonate and cause widespread damage, unlike the previous unitary warheads that often didn't explode on impact.
  • Jonathan notes the increased challenge this poses for Ukraine, particularly given the potential for collateral damage if a missile carrying cluster munitions is hit over a populated or sensitive area like an oil depot.

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Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Early Warning Radar Paying Off

🎦 18:59-20:31

  • Jonathan discusses the Ukrainian drone strike on the Voronezh-M radar station in Russia.
  • He refutes claims that this was an escalatory move with no military advantage, pointing out its role in Russia's nuclear defence and early warning system.
  • Head of Ukrainian Intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, states the radar is out of action for six months. He confirms it was used to detect ballistic missiles and aircraft over southern Ukraine, including Crimea, meaning its destruction directly benefits Ukrainian military operations.

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Russia Deploys S-500 Air Defence System to Crimea

🎦 20:31-23:24

  • Budanov claims Russia has deployed its most advanced S-500 air defence system to occupied Crimea, likely in response to Ukrainian attacks on its S-300 and S-400 systems there in recent weeks.
  • While the S-500 has been considered a prototype, its presence in Crimea suggests Russia's desperation to protect the peninsula.
  • Jonathan believes it is a test for the system, particularly its ability to counter the US-supplied AGM-88 HARM (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile) that has successfully targeted Russian S-400s.
  • The potential embarrassment for Russia if the aging HARM can defeat the S-500 is not lost on Jonathan. He predicts Ukraine will be eager to target the system for the propaganda value.

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War Crime Allegations Against Russia in Mariupol

🎦 23:24-25:21

  • Lawyers have submitted evidence to the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing Russia of using "deliberate starvation tactics" during the siege of Mariupol.
  • They argue that denying food and essential services to civilians could constitute a war crime.
  • Jonathan highlights the unusual situation of evidence being gathered and submitted to the ICC while the war is ongoing, comparing it to the proactive de-mining efforts also underway in Ukraine.
  • He welcomes this approach and praises organisations training journalists to effectively interview witnesses and gather evidence for potential future prosecutions.

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State of Emergency in Russia's Rostov Region Due to Crop Failure

🎦 25:21-26:24

  • A state of emergency has been declared in Russia's Rostov region, a major grain-producing area, after frost damaged up to 30% of winter crops.
  • Jonathan highlights the potential global impact of this crop failure, given Russia's role as a major grain exporter.
  • While acknowledging the negative consequences for food security worldwide, he also notes the economic impact on Russia.

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US Sanctions Target Moscow Stock Exchange

🎦 26:24-29:26

  • The US has imposed new sanctions targeting the Moscow Stock Exchange, National Settlement Depository, and National Clearing Centre.
  • These entities play a crucial role in determining exchange rates for the Ruble.
  • Trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Stock Exchange has been suspended.
  • Jonathan sees this as a significant blow to the Russian economy and a return to the instability of the 1990s.
  • Russian Telegram channels report panic and a rush to withdraw cash. Several banks, including Gazprombank, have restricted withdrawals to prevent a run.

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Another Ukrainian Drowning on the Hungarian Border

🎦 29:26-30:48

  • The body of a man, the 35th such case, has been found on the Ukrainian-Hungarian border.
  • He is believed to have drowned trying to swim across the river Tisa to escape mobilisation.
  • Jonathan reflects on the desperation this represents, with people risking their lives, often ill-equipped, to avoid being drafted into the Russian army.

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Nature Rebounds a Year After Kakhovka Dam Destruction

🎦 30:48-34:40

  • Despite the environmental devastation caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam last year, the Kyiv Independent reports plant and wildlife are returning to the former reservoir.
  • Saplings have grown up to five meters tall in just one year.
  • Scientists are observing the rapid emergence of a new ecosystem.
  • While acknowledging the agricultural and ecological damage caused by the dam's destruction, Jonathan finds hope in nature's resilience.

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Wrap Up

🎦 34:40-34:45

Jonathan thanks viewers for watching and asks them to like, subscribe, and share the video.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I was unable to find any information on the "Veloce 330" drone mentioned in relation to French drone production. Could this be a transcription error or is this a new type of drone?

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is the first transcript I will be summarising for "ATP Distilled". Jonathan's videos are excellent but there is a lot of content so it's important to be concise and capture all of the key information whilst ensuring Jonathan's insight/analysis are given due prominence. Overall Approach: Task 1 (Title/Date/Part): Straightforward - extract from the Youtube Title. Task 2 (Topic Titles): This is crucial, splitting the transcript into granular topics will make the summary much more useful for viewers short of time. Accurately conveying the content of each section is key - I'll need to listen/read carefully to determine where topic boundaries lie. Task 3 (Timeframes): Another important step for navigation. Once I have the topic titles, noting the start and end time for each will allow viewers to jump to specific content. Task 4 (Summaries): This is where I'll add value by condensing the information without losing Jonathan's insights. Bullet points will keep things concise. I'll need to be mindful of Ukrainian spellings and use British English. Task 5 (Quote): I'll select a quote that encapsulates the essence/humour of the video. Task 6 (Queries): If there's anything I don't understand, I'll flag it. Specific Considerations: Jonathan's Style: He's informative but also cracks jokes and goes off on tangents. I'll aim to reflect this in the summaries - it's part of his charm! Ukrainian Spellings: Using the correct spellings shows respect for Ukraine. Military Aid: It's important to only refer to aid destined for Ukraine as "military aid" as Belarus etc are allies of Russia. I'm looking forward to summarising this first transcript and hope this project will be valuable to viewers.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

I'm a bot! I summarise ATP Geopolitics videos