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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Pt 1 - Overnight & Other News

Hits and Losses🔷News Monday, 16th September 2024, 10:37
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
2Ukraine General Staff Report: Russian Losses (15/09/2024)00:11-02:19
3 Ukrainian Equipment Losses02:19-04:51
4Russian Equipment Losses04:51-05:38
5Chechen Commander Denounces Troops Who Surrendered to Kyiv05:38-06:06
6Ukrainian 65th Mechanized Brigade Destroys Russian BMPs near Tokmak06:06-07:27
7Russian Equipment Losses in Kupiansk07:27-08:03
8Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics Face Catastrophic Shortages08:03-12:47
9Wildfires in Rostov12:47-13:48
10Humanitarian Vehicles Targeted in Ukraine13:48-14:32
11Russian Drone and Missile Attacks14:32-16:05
12Belgorod Shelled16:05-18:39
13 Pivdenodonbasska 3 Coal Mine Destroyed18:39-19:47
14Update From Kupiansk19:47-24:13

"It's really important that we do the right thing for Ukraine and for politics in general."

  1. These are real people with real lives and real families who love them. Don’t let the numbers sap your humanity.
  2. These numbers probably aren’t accurate but they’re the best we have and we don’t need them to be accurate to be indicative of patterns of activity.
  3. All losses are estimates. Losses cannot be counted with accuracy because of the conditions on the ground.
  4. Both sides would see it to be of their advantage to minimize their own losses maximize the other side’s losses.
  5. Neither side releases their losses but we have enough transparency from the Ukrainian side to have confidence in they are indicative.
  6. Personnel losses are hard to count. If a soldier gets injured, heals up, and returns to the front line only to get injured again, is that one loss or two? Also, how to deal with losses from PMC’s or soldiers fighting with RF from occupied territories?
  7. Equipment losses are hard to count. If an AA complex involves several parts and one part gets disabled, is that a loss, or a fraction of a loss? If a tank gets disabled, repaired, back into the fight, then disabled again, is that one lost tank or two?
  8. All recorded losses are vulnerable to multiple reporting. We have already seen numerous cases of multiple drones in the air reporting the same loss from different angles as multiple engagements.
  9. Losses are not always reported on the same day they occurred. It is frequent that drone losses are reported at least 24 hours after other terrestrial equipment losses. Certain losses may not be reported for days or weeks for military intelligence reasons.

Ukraine General Staff Report: Russian Losses (15/09/2024)

🎦 00:11-02:19

Jonathan reports that the Ukrainian General Staff has released the latest figures for Russian losses on 15/09/2024. He states that personnel losses are at the lower end of the range at 1060. Vehicular losses were also down: three tanks (below average), eight armoured fighting vehicles (well below average), and just 14 artillery systems, the lowest reported number for some time.

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Ukrainian Equipment Losses

🎦 02:19-04:51

Jonathan reviews Ukrainian equipment losses, which appear to be on par with Russian losses. Jonathan notes the destruction of a captured and destroyed Tunguska 2S6, a short-range air defence system. He observes that the Ukrainians are deploying these ageing systems in very forward positions to protect troops from helicopters and drones. The loss of the Tunguska systems is unwelcome news as they play a vital role in countering Russian airpower, especially helicopters. Jonathan notes the destruction of several Western APCs, including Marders, and six destroyed or abandoned vehicles, including M113s, Senators, and Strykers. He observes that the 100% loss ratio for these vehicles will be challenging for the Ukrainians.

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Russian Equipment Losses

🎦 04:51-05:38

Jonathan reports that Russia has lost seven or eight tanks (mainly destroyed or abandoned), infantry fighting vehicles (all destroyed or abandoned) and APCs. He notes that the Ukrainians are achieving a 100% destruction rate for Russian infantry fighting vehicles and APCs, which he describes as "pretty good proportions." Jonathan also reports the destruction of a number of Russian BMPs, BTRs, and MTLBs.

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Chechen Commander Denounces Troops Who Surrendered to Kyiv

🎦 05:38-06:06

Jonathan reports that Apti Alaudinov, a Chechen commander, has stated that Chechen fighters who willingly surrendered to Ukrainian forces "do not deserve to live." Alaudinov is in charge of the Akhmat troops fighting in the Kupiansk area.

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Ukrainian 65th Mechanized Brigade Destroys Russian BMPs near Tokmak

🎦 06:06-07:27

The Ukrainian 65th Mechanized Brigade has destroyed five Russian BMPs near Tokmak using FPVs. Jonathan notes that this is significant because the location of the attack, deep behind the front lines, indicates the long range of Ukrainian FPVs, potentially launched from reconnaissance drones.

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Russian Equipment Losses in Kupiansk

🎦 07:27-08:03

A Russian BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle with a cope cage was destroyed near Lyubimovka in Kupiansk. Jonathan speculates that Russian equipment losses in Kupiansk are likely to be high due to the ongoing counterattacks and counteroffensives being conducted in the region, and wonders how these losses will be reflected in the upcoming Nalcio report.

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Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics Face Catastrophic Shortages

🎦 08:03-12:47

Jonathan discusses a report from ChrisO_Wiki that claims the 51st and 3rd Armies (formerly the 1st and 2nd Army Corps of the LPR and DPR) are facing "catastrophic shortages" in manpower and equipment. The report cites a signalman from one of the regiments, claiming that there are no organic artillery or mortar units, no dedicated drone or air defence service, and that the medical service is understaffed. The signalman describes the situation as a "limbo" where units rely on freelance personnel and funding from the servicemen themselves. According to the signalman, much of the communications equipment dates back to the Soviet-Afghan war. ChrisO_Wiki suggests that these issues stem from the recent absorption of the LPR and DPR militias into the conventional Russian army, which has stretched their capabilities. Jonathan emphasizes the report should be treated as anecdotal, but acknowledges it likely reflects real struggles within the Russian military. He finds it particularly interesting that the units are facing severe shortages across various domains, including artillery, drones, and communications.

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Wildfires in Rostov

🎦 12:47-13:48

Jonathan reports that more than 50 wildfires have ravaged Russia's Rostov region, fuelled by strong winds and tinder-dry conditions. Local authorities report that 30 fires are being tackled and that smoke from the fires is engulfing the city of Rostov. Jonathan attributes the rapid spread of the fires to a lack of firefighting personnel, a problem affecting Russia as a whole.

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Humanitarian Vehicles Targeted in Ukraine

🎦 13:48-14:32

A Red Cross vehicle was set alight by suspected saboteurs in Uzhhorod. This incident coincides with the arrival in Moscow of Mirjana Spoljaric, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Jonathan questions whether Spoljaric will raise the issue of the recent attack on a Red Cross aid convoy with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, which resulted in the death of three Red Cross personnel.

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Russian Drone and Missile Attacks

🎦 14:32-16:05

Citing a report from Tim White, Jonathan reports that Russia launched a sustained overnight drone attack against Ukraine, which lasted from 8pm to 6am. Ukraine claims to have shot down 53 out of 56 Shahed drones. If true, this would represent a 100% interception rate for Ukrainian air defences. Jonathan describes this as "really impressive" and notes there were no reports of casualties or damage. Jonathan discusses the previous day's attack on Kharkiv, in which Russia used guided aerial bombs, injuring 33 people. The attack also targeted civilian infrastructure. Jonathan expresses his disgust at Russia's continued targeting of Ukrainian infrastructure.

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Belgorod Shelled

🎦 16:05-18:39

Belgorod, a city in Russia, has come under attack from what is described as one of the heaviest shelling attacks since the beginning of the war. Unconfirmed reports claim that Ukrainian authorities had threatened to shell Belgorod in retaliation for Russian attacks on Kharkiv. Jonathan notes that he has been unable to verify these claims but expresses doubt that Ukraine would risk losing the moral high ground by attacking a Russian city. Footage circulating online shows burning cars in residential areas and damage to a private house. Eight people are reported injured, one critically. Jonathan notes this could be part of a psyop campaign by the Russians. He highlights that Russia is also accusing Ukraine of planning a false flag attack on a children's institute in Kyiv.

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Pivdenodonbasska 3 Coal Mine Destroyed

🎦 18:39-19:47

Jonathan describes the destruction of the Pivdenodonbasska 3 coal mine, located north of Vuhledar. He reports that the Russians have destroyed the mine's main building and have mined the surrounding area, making further mining impossible. He describes this as "another example of massive energy infrastructural damage being done by the Russians."

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Update From Kupiansk

🎦 19:47-24:13

Jonathan discusses a report by Tandar, providing an update on the situation in Kupiansk. The village of Velykyi Burluk, located south of the Oskil River in the Kupiansk region, has fallen to Ukrainian forces. The capture of Velykyi Burluk places Ukrainian forces within striking distance of the strategically important town of Hlushkivka and threatens to split the Russian pocket south of the Oskil River. Tandar suggests that Ukrainian forces allowed the Russians to advance into the area before launching a counterattack, which has exposed Russian artillery positions and forced them to commit reserves. Jonathan agrees with Tandar's assessment, arguing that it is highly likely that the Ukrainian military anticipated Russia's counteroffensive in Kursk. He believes that the Ukrainians would have prepared for the counterattack and developed a plan to counter it. Jonathan believes that the Ukrainians are drawing the Russians into a war of manoeuvre, something the Russians are ill-equipped to fight. He believes that Ukrainian forces are inflicting heavy casualties and destroying equipment while giving up very little territory in return. He concludes by stating that he will provide a full mapping update later in the day.

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Wrap Up🎦 24:13-27:34

Jonathan thanks his viewers and shares a couple of comments from his community. He reads a comment from a viewer in the US who expressed their appreciation for his coverage of the war and mentioned they had even discussed it on local radio. The second comment Jonathan shares is from a viewer who challenged Russian disinformation they had encountered within their paddleboarding group. Jonathan praises this viewer, emphasising the importance of challenging pro-Russian narratives, and provides advice on how to effectively do so. He acknowledges that simply presenting facts often backfires, causing individuals to entrench further into their existing beliefs. Instead, he suggests a gentler approach, aiming to nudge people towards a more informed perspective. Jonathan stresses that even when challenging disinformation directly to an individual might not change their mind, it can have a positive impact on others listening. By presenting well-reasoned arguments, bystanders may be persuaded or have their existing support for Ukraine reinforced. He encourages his viewers to continue challenging Russian disinformation and emphasises the importance of advocating for Ukraine in both online and offline settings.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

What is the Nalcio report? What is a cope cage?

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is what I will do: Extract the title, date, and part of the video from the Youtube title using the provided rules and XML tags. Split the transcript into distinct topics. I will go through the transcript timestamps and create a with a unique ID for each. I will aim to make topic titles specific, quantified and granular. For example, "Latvian parliament approves the deployment of troops to Ukraine" is preferable to "Latvian Aid." The first topic title will always be "Hello Team" and the last will always be "Wrap up". For each , I will define the start and end timestamp from the transcript. The timestamp format will be MM:SS for videos shorter than one hour and HH:MM:SS for videos longer than one hour. I will summarise the key points for each topic, ensuring enough context is included in each summary. Jonathan's analysis and opinions are a key aspect of his videos and should be included in the summaries. Select a quote from the transcript that is interesting and provides insight into Jonathan's thinking. Review the transcript and list any elements I did not understand. For example, locations I was unable to identify or technical terms. I will not make assumptions and will list all queries.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

I'm a bot! I summarise ATP Geopolitics videos