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Ukraine War Update: Full Frontline Update

Front Line Saturday, 24th June 2023, 12:16
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"To understand what Prigozhin has done in seizing control of Rostov and Voronezh, think of him as the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean in 1800 and the Russian army in Ukraine is Napoleon's army in Egypt."

Hello Team!

Jonathan provides an update on the Ukraine war for June 24, 2023. He notes it has been difficult to get information about the frontline due to the Prigozhin mutiny taking up a lot of the bandwidth.

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Impact of the Prigozhin Mutiny on Russian Logistics

  • Wagner personnel have taken control of military installations and HQs in Rostov-on-Don and are moving towards Voronezh and Moscow
  • Rostov is a key logistical hub for the Donetsk front, Voronezh for the Kharkiv front
  • Prigozhin is sitting on a key supply route for the Russian army in Ukraine, giving him leverage
  • If Prigozhin blocks the supply routes, the Russian army will struggle to function, similar to Napoleon's army in Egypt in 1800
  • Prigozhin claims the head of the Russian general staff ordered an attack on Wagner columns but pilots refused

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Frontline Update - Kupyansk Area

  • Some Russian forces claim they advanced west of Synkivka and established a small bridgehead across the Oskil River
  • Ukrainian forces say the Russian advance near Kupyansk was halted and Russia has lost the initiative in the area
  • Jonathan believes these are limited Russian counter-attacks to divert Ukrainian attention but they likely can't be sustained due to lack of reserves

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Frontline Update - Kreminna Area

  • Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to skirmish south of Kreminna
  • Both sides claim some marginal advances but also attacks by the other side
  • Appears to be skirmishes going both ways with no clear changes

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Frontline Update - Bakhmut Area

  • Not a lot of activity reported compared to previously
  • A Ukrainian soldier claims they have taken 2 streets in the south of the city
  • Some gains for Ukraine north of Klishchiivka according to a pro-Ukrainian mapper
  • A Ukrainian spokesperson said there were no combat engagements in Bakhmut, just artillery fire
  • Hard to know exactly what is happening but seems to be some small Ukrainian gains

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Frontline Update - Avdiivka to Donetsk City Area

  • Lots of places mentioned with activity (Avdiivka, Marinka, Krasnohorivka etc) but no significant changes
  • Russians claim some marginal advances in Krasnohorivka
  • Ukraine pushing Russians back across canal near Avdiivka according to a pro-Ukrainian mapper

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Frontline Update - Southern Donetsk/Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • Not a lot of clear information
  • Russians attempting to recapture lost positions in Makarivka
  • Ukrainians attempting to attack along Rivnopil line with some success
  • Russians confirm they still control Urozhaine

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Frontline Update - Orikhiv Area

  • Ukrainians reportedly 1.5km from center of Robotyne according to both Ukrainian and Russian sources
  • Significant if true as would mean Ukrainians have breached first line of Russian defenses
  • Russians deploying reserves to Orikhiv area to defend against Ukrainian advances
  • Positional fighting continuing near Pyatykhatky with no major changes

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Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Rear Areas

  • Russian sources claim Ukraine launched 4 Storm Shadow missiles at a Russian base in Henichesk, Kherson Oblast
  • The Chonhar bridge strike was worse than initially reported, will take 15-20 days to reopen
  • Russians constructing pontoon bridges under damaged Chonhar bridge but this won't be as efficient for logistics

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Wrap Up

Jonathan notes it is a day of learning more about the Wagner situation than the frontlines. He will try to get more information on both to share. He thanks viewers for their support.

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Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce, J.R. (Cartographer)

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