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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Geopolitical News - Manafort? Seriously?

News🔷Geopolitics Tuesday, 19th March 2024, 17:34
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:27
2Balkan Tensions & Western Response00:27-01:49
3Charles Michel: Europe Must Prepare for War02:01-02:17
4France & Poland Call for Restrictions on Ukrainian Agricultural Imports02:17-07:18
5US Government Shutdown Averted & Potential Ukraine Aid Loan07:18-08:56
6Trump Considering Paul Manafort for 2024 Campaign08:56-15:15
7Jonathan's Dismay at Trump's Actions & Continued Support15:16-16:55
8Lindsey Graham in Kyiv & Call to Designate Russia as State Sponsor of Terrorism16:55-17:10
9American Businesses Still Operating in Russia17:11-18:07
10India's Position on the War & Ukraine's Diplomatic Efforts18:07-19:07
11Pro-Russian Sentiment in Australia & Calls for Deportation19:08-20:06
12Controversy Surrounding ABC Documentary on Ukraine War20:06-23:11
13Estonia Expels Russian Diplomat & Russian Trawler Sinks in the Baltic23:11-25:18
14International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children25:20-25:58
15Xi Jinping to Visit France & China's Stance on Peace Talks25:58-26:37
16China's Economic Support for Russia26:37-27:13
17Wrap Up27:14-27:31

"Can you go out and get me some Paul Manafort? That's who's going to be really useful for this campaign. Let's double down. Let's go deep in this."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:27

Jonathan welcomes viewers to another ATPG update on the Ukraine War, the third part for March 19, 2024. He acknowledges the large volume of content that day.

Balkan Tensions & Western Response

🎦 00:27-01:49

Jonathan discusses the rising tensions in the Balkans, highlighting expert Ivana Strada's view that Putin is trying to incite conflict in the region. He expresses his desire to interview her and encourages anyone who knows her to help facilitate this. Jonathan connects the escalating situation to the West's initial lack of strong support for Ukraine, emboldening Russia to create further unrest in the region. He points to Serbia's recent threat to invade Kosovo, despite signing a security agreement with Russia just 24 hours prior.

Charles Michel: Europe Must Prepare for War

🎦 02:01-02:17

Jonathan highlights comments made by European Council President Charles Michel, who believes Europe must transition towards a war economy and strengthen its defences in response to the threat posed by Russia.

France & Poland Call for Restrictions on Ukrainian Agricultural Imports

🎦 02:17-07:18

Jonathan delves into the news that France, along with Poland, is demanding limitations on Ukrainian agricultural product imports. He cautions against a hasty judgment of Macron's stance, placing it within the context of impending EU restrictions on Russian and Belarusian grain imports. He explains that Poland has faced criticism for blocking Ukrainian imports while allowing Russian ones, despite Ukrainian goods enjoying reduced tariffs. Jonathan hypothesises that France's stance aims to protect European farmers by creating a level playing field, suggesting a system where Ukrainian products face standard EU tariffs, while those from Russia and Belarus are subject to additional tariffs. This, he believes, would benefit both European farmers and Ukraine, while hindering Russian trade. Jonathan acknowledges the current discontent among French farmers due to rising protests and emphasizes the need to consider the domestic situation to understand Macron's position on this issue. He draws parallels with the concerns of Polish farmers and hauliers, who are apprehensive about competition from both Ukrainian and other EU goods.

US Government Shutdown Averted & Potential Ukraine Aid Loan

🎦 07:18-08:56

Jonathan shares the breaking news of an agreement reached in the US to pass the remaining financial year 2024 appropriations bills, preventing a government shutdown. He suggests this bodes well for Ukraine's supplemental aid bill, as it is likely to be addressed now that government funding has been secured. Republican Randy Mott's comments are highlighted, suggesting a loan-based mechanism, backed by senators and house members, is being explored to ensure Ukraine aid is passed. This mechanism could potentially unlock a flow of more substantial US military equipment to Ukraine, including F-16s, Bradleys, and M1 tanks, although ammunition supplies remain a concern.

Trump Considering Paul Manafort for 2024 Campaign

🎦 08:56-15:15

Jonathan expresses his concern and disbelief over reports that Donald Trump may bring Paul Manafort back into his team for the 2024 presidential election campaign. He reminds viewers of Manafort's past involvement with pro-Kremlin figures like Viktor Yanukovych and his pardoning by Trump in 2020 for bank and tax fraud. Jonathan provides a detailed account of Manafort's convictions, including eight felonies related to tax and bank fraud, guilty pleas for obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and his association with Konstantin Kilimnik, an individual linked to Russian intelligence. Jonathan asserts that Manafort, as Trump's campaign manager, shared US polling data with Kilimnik, who then passed it on to the Kremlin. He expresses astonishment at Trump's continued association with Manafort, given the gravity of his crimes and connections to Russia, particularly in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine. He encourages viewers to watch the documentary 'Active Measures' and consult Manafort's Wikipedia page for further information about his links to Russia. Jonathan also cites a US Senate report which concluded that Manafort's work with Kilimnik, starting in 2016, was aimed at undermining evidence of Russian interference in the US election and shifting blame to Ukraine. Jonathan concludes that Manafort, due to his actions and associations, should be considered a "Kremlin agent." He states that Manafort's involvement in Trump's 2024 campaign should be a cause for serious concern, given the current geopolitical climate.

Jonathan's Dismay at Trump's Actions & Continued Support

🎦 15:16-16:55

Jonathan questions Trump's judgment in re-employing Manafort, suggesting it indicates where his allegiances lie in the Russia-Ukraine war. He finds it baffling that people continue to defend Trump's stance on Russia and Ukraine, given Manafort's history and involvement.

Lindsey Graham in Kyiv & Call to Designate Russia as State Sponsor of Terrorism

🎦 16:55-17:10

Jonathan notes Senator Lindsey Graham's visit to Kyiv and his proposal to President Biden to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, a move Jonathan fully supports.

American Businesses Still Operating in Russia

🎦 17:11-18:07

Jonathan criticises the six American fast food chains - Carl's Jr., Papa John's, Costa Coffee, Burger King, and TGI Fridays - that have chosen to continue operating in Russia, contrasting them with companies like McDonald's, Domino's, Starbucks, KFC, Pizza Hut, Hard Rock Cafe, and Jamie Oliver, all of whom pulled out. He questions Costa Coffee's current ownership and encourages viewers to voice their disapproval of these companies for supporting the Russian war effort.

India's Position on the War & Ukraine's Diplomatic Efforts

🎦 18:07-19:07

Jonathan reports that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Putin on his re-election, being one of the few democratically elected leaders to do so. He stresses the importance of Ukraine securing India's support, rather than seeing them side with Russia through the BRICS alliance. News of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba's expected visit to India later in March is shared.

Pro-Russian Sentiment in Australia & Calls for Deportation

🎦 19:08-20:06

Jonathan discusses a tweet by Jakub Yanofsky regarding a pro-Russian priest in Australia. Yanofsky believes that individuals residing in the West who advocate for a "holy war" against it should be deported to Russia. This refers to the actions of Father Nikita Chemodakov, a high-ranking Russian Orthodox priest in New South Wales, who openly voted for Putin and proclaimed that Russia is engaged in a "holy sacred war" against the West. Jonathan expresses his annoyance at such individuals, particularly those wearing pro-war "Z" symbols and Wagner Group t-shirts, highlighting the irony of their actions given their residence in a country they seem opposed to.

Controversy Surrounding ABC Documentary on Ukraine War

🎦 20:06-23:11

Jonathan addresses the controversy surrounding an Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) documentary aired on Four Corners, which has been accused of promoting Kremlin propaganda. The Ukrainian ambassador criticised the documentary for repeating Russian falsehoods and minimising Ukrainian losses. Jonathan encourages his Australian viewers to share their opinions on the matter. He highlights that giving an unchallenged platform to the views of Russian soldiers is akin to broadcasting Russian propaganda and questions the ABC's decision to air the documentary. He also acknowledges the Ukrainian perspective while emphasizing that the invasion and war crimes originated from the Russian side. Jonathan shares comments from social media users, including one likening the documentary to "a bowl of vomit," and another criticising mainstream media's tendency to revert to pro-Russian narratives despite initially covering the conflict from a Ukrainian perspective due to easier access. He concludes by questioning the ABC's judgment in airing the documentary.

Estonia Expels Russian Diplomat & Russian Trawler Sinks in the Baltic

🎦 23:11-25:18

Jonathan reports that Estonia has expelled a Russian diplomat and urged Moscow to cease hybrid operations against its security. He connects this event to the ongoing electronic warfare being conducted by Russia from Kaliningrad, which is impacting the Baltic region, Poland, and the Baltic Sea. He mentions UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps' experience of losing GPS signal due to Russian jamming while returning from the east. Jonathan then shares breaking news of a fire and possible sinking of the Russian trawler Captain Lobanov in the Baltic Sea, near Kaliningrad. He questions whether the trawler, which had previously sunk three years prior, was involved in covert electronic warfare activities for the Russian military, suggesting its explosion points to a suspicious purpose beyond fishing.

International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children

🎦 25:20-25:58

Jonathan highlights the formation of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children, led by Ukraine and Canada, which now has the support of 33 countries. He expresses concern over the ongoing deportation and indoctrination of Ukrainian children taken to Russia, describing it as a shocking war crime.

Xi Jinping to Visit France & China's Stance on Peace Talks

🎦 25:58-26:37

Jonathan mentions that Xi Jinping will be travelling to France, with a possible aim to persuade European nations to include Russia in the upcoming peace summit in Switzerland, according to Politico. He also notes that China may refuse to partake in future Ukraine peace negotiations if Russia is excluded. Jonathan interprets this as China trying to pressure Europe into considering Russia's perspective and potential solutions for the conflict. He criticizes China's role as the biggest enabler of Russia's invasion.

China's Economic Support for Russia

🎦 26:37-27:13

Jonathan refutes claims that China's economic support for Russia is waning, citing recent export data and attributing any apparent dip to the Chinese New Year seasonality. He reiterates that China continues to aid Russia through significant economic assistance and trade.

Wrap Up

🎦 27:14-27:31

Jonathan concludes the video by thanking viewers for watching and asking them to like, subscribe, and share. He bids farewell to his viewers, including a special callout to 'Lawrence22'.

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Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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