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Ukraine Conflict (20231020): Full Frontline Update

Front Line Friday, 20th October 2023, 13:55
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"I think this will be a potentially a really good place for the Ukrainians however it is going to depend largely on what equipment they can get across the river and how and that will be easier to get across if they have a much longer spread of their forces"

Hello Team!

Jonathan provides an update on the frontline situation in Ukraine as of 20th October 2023. He reminds viewers to refer to his map key to understand the lines and markings on the map.

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Northeast Sector

  • Russians have made a small improvement near Ivanivka and Yahidna, which occurred a couple days ago but was not reflected on the map until now
  • Usual claims of repelled attacks and Russian advances in the Mokivka area, but no significant changes to the map lines
  • The lines represent robust Russian defensive positions; Ukrainian gains in the gray zone between the lines are not always reflected on the map

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Bakhmut Area

  • Not much news from north of Bakhmut, but claims that Ukrainians have advanced behind the railway line in unspecified areas
  • Ukrainians claim continued momentum, but lack geolocated footage to fully support advances; Russians dispute the extent of Ukrainian progress
  • No changes to Jonathan's map in the last 24 hours for southern Bakhmut

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Avdiivka Area

  • Russians continue to assault Avdiivka, with some success according to Syriak Maps in the southeastern area near Spartak
  • Deep State Map (pro-Ukrainian) shows a small Russian gain towards a slag heap near Terracon
  • Russians have expanded their bridgehead south of Avdiivka, consistent with Andrew Perpetua's mapping from the previous day
  • Turek Map indicates Ukrainian gains northwest of Vodyane, while Russians have reached a railway halt 450km from Tsarovskaya Okhota resort
  • Open terrain makes it difficult for either side to advance without incurring heavy losses

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Velyka Novosilka Area

  • Syriak Maps claims Ukrainians have made small advances in the gray zone west of Novodonetsk
  • Usual activity around Neskuchne, Makarivka, and Velyka Novosilka, but no significant changes

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Zaporizhzhia Oblast

  • According to Andrew Perpetua, Russians have gained ground east of Novoprokopivka with geolocated footage of active Russian mechanized equipment in the area
  • Ukrainians have pushed back Russians in the area north of Vodyane, as shown by Andrew Perpetua and Deep State Map
  • Jonathan speculates whether Ukrainians might be able to launch a major offensive with their newly acquired Western tanks to punch through Russian lines in this area, but acknowledges the challenges posed by lack of cover and Russian defenses

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Kherson Oblast

  • Ukrainians have established a presence along the Dnipro River coastline opposite Kherson, particularly near Antonivsky Bridge and a destroyed railway bridge to the south
  • Claims of Ukrainians taking Poyma and having elements in Pishchanivka, but with caveats
  • Andrew Perpetua's mapping shows increased Ukrainian control on the east bank of the Dnipro, even if Russian defensive lines have not been pushed back significantly
  • Russian sources report Ukrainians crossing the Dnipro and overwhelming defensive posts to capture part of Krinki settlement; battles ongoing with Russian aviation and artillery responding
  • Strategically, cutting the road from Oleshky to Krinki could threaten Russian supply routes; Ukrainians may be trying to create a springboard for attacking Oleshky and Nova Kakhovka
  • Russians claim to have pushed Ukrainians back to the shoreline and Antonivsky railway bridge in the Poyma-Pishchanivka-Pidstepne area
  • ISW assesses current Ukrainian actions are larger than previous tactical raids, with Ukrainians maintaining a presence along the shoreline and near the Antonivsky Bridge
  • Jonathan believes this area has potential for Ukrainian success, but will depend on their ability to get substantial forces and equipment across the Dnipro River, which is challenging

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Wrap up

Jonathan thanks viewers for watching and encourages them to like, subscribe and share the video.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

The transcript mentions "Halt 450 kilometers" a couple times in relation to a railway near Tsarovskaya Okhota resort, but it's unclear what exactly this is referring to. Some of the place names may also have spelling discrepancies.

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

Steps: Read through the transcript and identify the main topics covered For each topic, summarize the key points in a concise manner, using bullet points where appropriate Use the provided XML structure to format the summary Include an introduction and wrap-up section Select a key quote from the video Review the summary to ensure all key topics are covered and the information is presented clearly and accurately Note any parts of the transcript that were unclear or confusing



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce, J.R. (Cartographer)

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