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Ukraine War Update BUMPER NEWS: Geopolitics News

Geopolitics🔷News Sunday, 9th June 2024, 18:50
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:34
2Hungarian Protests against Orban00:34-01:24
3Mixed bag of European Election Results01:24-02:54
4Austria's FPO - Pro-Russian02:54-03:10
5Germany's MEP Election Results03:10-04:33
6AFD & BSW - Pro-Russian09:01-10:52
7Pro-Russian AFD Member Flees Germany for Russia10:52-13:40
8Tatyana Zdanoka Loses Seat in Latvian Parliament13:40-14:45
9Orban's Party Becomes Google's Biggest Advertiser14:45-17:03
10Diverging Right in European Politics17:03-17:57
11Giorgia Meloni - A Pro-Ukraine Right-wing Leader17:57-19:59
12Le Pen's Party Gains Seats in European Parliament19:59-20:18
13Geert Wilders & Dutch Elections20:18-20:59
14Support for Ukraine as Leverage for Domestic Issues20:59-21:51
15Centurion101B3C - Comment on Geert Wilders21:51-23:31
16Dutch Elections - PVV & Coalition23:31-27:15
17PVV's Rise - "Shouting Rhetoric" Without Solutions27:15-29:49
18Housing Crisis & Immigration in the Netherlands29:49-32:12
19UK Election - Tories Tanking in Polls32:12-33:30
20Tories Suspend Social Media Campaigning Due to Lack of Funds33:30-34:32
21Rishi Sunak's Controversial Departure from D-Day Commemoration34:32-35:12
22First-Past-the-Post Voting System in UK 35:12-36:04
23Split in the Right-wing Vote in UK36:04-36:56
24Ukraine's EU Accession Talks36:56-38:27
25Need for Strong EU Leadership on Ukraine38:27-41:46
26Zelensky's Acknowledgement of Macron's Leadership41:46-43:11
27Kaya Callas Praises Macron's Leadership on Ukraine43:11-44:03
28Stars of David Spray-Painted in France44:03-45:46
29Spray-Painted Coffins in Paris45:46-46:34
30Russia Expelled from World Chess Organization46:34-47:15
31Russia's Influence Operations in Africa47:15-51:22
32Crop Losses in Russia's Rostov Region51:22-52:40
33US Economic Recovery Under Biden52:40-54:00
34Trump's Lies about Insulin Pricing54:00-55:07
35Roger Stone's Blasphemous Claim of Trump's Endorsement by Jesus55:07-55:34
36Russia's Potential for Arson and Sabotage in EU55:34-58:23
37Attempted Arson of Ukrainian Business in UK58:23-58:29
38Wrap up58:29-58:30

"This is what Russia do so freaking well, is they just go around Europe, either virtually doing it or actually in person here and cause problems."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:34

Jonathan welcomes viewers to another video. He apologises for any background noise and explains that he's been exhausted after a busy day with his family.

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Hungarian Protests against Orban

🎦 00:34-01:24

Jonathan highlights a large protest in Budapest in support of opposition leader Peter Magyar, arguing that it is significant for the future of Orban's Hungary. He points out that Magyar's position on the political spectrum is uncertain. Jonathan explains that Orban's Hungary has been moving towards a kleptocracy, with corruption, election manipulation and media control.

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Mixed bag of European Election Results

🎦 01:24-02:54

Jonathan is cautiously optimistic about the early results of the European MEP elections, noting that there is a mixed bag of results across Europe. He states that he will focus on Austria and Germany. He is particularly interested in the rise of the far right in Europe, but clarifies that he is referring to ultra-nationalism.

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Austria's FPO - Pro-Russian

🎦 02:54-03:10

Jonathan notes the FPO, an Austrian party, gaining 27% of the vote, showing a pro-Russian trend. He characterises the FPO as "faux libertarianism," arguing that their emphasis on freedom is undermined by their stance on immigration and other issues. He mentions a post on "vatnik soup" threads which highlighted the FPO's pro-Kremlin stance.

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Germany's MEP Election Results

🎦 03:10-04:33

Jonathan highlights the decisive win of the CDU/CSU in Germany's MEP elections. He speculates that the AFD lost votes due to recent controversies. He expresses disappointment with the losses of the SPD and Green parties. He notes that the Greens have been a strong partner in government, but have faced criticism for their stance on the war in Ukraine. Jonathan acknowledges that some may blame the Greens for these losses.

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AFD & BSW - Pro-Russian

🎦 09:01-10:52

Jonathan highlights the gains of the pro-Russian AFD in Germany, despite not reaching the 20% threshold. He mentions the BSW, another pro-Russian party, also saw a significant rise in votes. He suggests that the BSW may have gained from voters who would have otherwise supported the AFD. He is concerned that the AFD's rise may be particularly significant in Eastern Germany.

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Pro-Russian AFD Member Flees Germany for Russia

🎦 10:52-13:40

Jonathan reports that Olga Pettersson, a pro-Putin member of the German parliament, has fled to Russia. He highlights her pro-Russian stance and her expulsion from the Hamburg parliament. He points out the AFD's open support for Putin and their calls for the expulsion of millions of migrants. Jonathan highlights the AFD's connection to the Kremlin through Pettersson's flight to Russia.

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Tatyana Zdanoka Loses Seat in Latvian Parliament

🎦 13:40-14:45

Jonathan reports that Tatyana Zdanoka, a pro-Russian Latvian MEP, has lost her seat in the European Parliament. He mentions her previous involvement with Claire Daly and Mick Wallace, also MEPs, who have been critical of the Ukraine war. He points out that investigative journalists had previously uncovered Zdanoka's contacts with FSB officers.

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Orban's Party Becomes Google's Biggest Advertiser

🎦 14:45-17:03

Jonathan reveals that Fidesz, Victor Orban's party in Hungary, has become the largest advertiser on Google in the EU. He connects this to Orban's response to the protests, questioning whether he will clamp down or adapt to the changing political climate. He notes that Orban's anti-Western narratives are being promoted through these advertisements.

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Diverging Right in European Politics

🎦 17:03-17:57

Jonathan discusses the divergence of the right in European politics. He points out that some right-wing parties are increasingly supportive of Ukraine, while others remain pro-Russian. He observes a trend of right-wing leaders showing support for Ukraine as a means to gain power and influence.

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Giorgia Meloni - A Pro-Ukraine Right-wing Leader

🎦 17:57-19:59

Jonathan uses Giorgia Meloni, Italy's Prime Minister, as an example of a right-wing leader who has gained credibility within the EU by supporting Ukraine. He highlights her strong stance on Ukraine and NATO, despite leading the Brothers of Italy, formerly Mussolini's party. Jonathan argues that her pro-Ukraine stance has given her leverage within the EU and helped her gain power and influence.

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Le Pen's Party Gains Seats in European Parliament

🎦 19:59-20:18

Jonathan notes that Marine Le Pen's party in France is expected to be the largest national delegation from France in the European Parliament. He argues that her support for Ukraine could be key to gaining influence and shifting the EU's political centre.

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Geert Wilders & Dutch Elections

🎦 20:18-20:59

Jonathan mentions Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party's victory in the Dutch elections. He points out that Wilders, despite previously being seen as pro-Russian, has pledged to continue the Netherlands' support for Ukraine. He notes that many far-right parties in Europe use "freedom" in their name, but their policies often contradict this idea.

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Support for Ukraine as Leverage for Domestic Issues

🎦 20:59-21:51

Jonathan discusses how support for Ukraine is being used as leverage for domestic issues by right-wing parties in Europe. He clarifies that he doesn't believe that these parties have genuinely changed their opinions on Ukraine but are simply aligning themselves with the popular sentiment for political gain.

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Centurion101B3C - Comment on Geert Wilders

🎦 21:51-23:31

Jonathan reads a comment from Centurion101B3C, a Dutch voter, who argues that Geert Wilders hasn't genuinely changed his views on Ukraine but is simply storing his pro-Russian policies in a "gigantic fridge" to be used later when it is politically expedient. Jonathan admires the comment for its sharp wit and accuracy.

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Dutch Elections - PVV & Coalition

🎦 23:31-27:15

Jonathan discusses the new Dutch coalition government, highlighting that the PVV, led by Geert Wilders, was forced to support Ukraine by the other coalition parties. He notes that despite the PVV's pro-Russian leanings, they were compelled to support Ukraine as a condition for the coalition agreement. He explains that the new Dutch Prime Minister will be Dick Schoof, who has experience in intelligence and counterterrorism, which suggests he will be pro-Ukraine. Jonathan emphasizes that the coalition agreement explicitly states that support for Ukraine will continue. He highlights the fact that the PVV cannot block this decision and will likely lose its majority vote in parliament if they break with the coalition.

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PVV's Rise - "Shouting Rhetoric" Without Solutions

🎦 27:15-29:49

Jonathan argues that the PVV has gained support by capitalizing on frustration and dissatisfaction with the government's lack of solutions. He compares their approach to that of Donald Trump, who focuses on rhetoric and empty promises rather than concrete solutions.

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Housing Crisis & Immigration in the Netherlands

🎦 29:49-32:12

Jonathan examines the underlying issue of housing in the Netherlands, which he believes is contributing to the PVV's rise. He highlights the country's dense population and the complex legal constraints on housing development, which make it difficult to meet the growing demand. He points out that the PVV exploits the housing crisis, falsely portraying immigrants as the main cause of the problem. He refutes this narrative, arguing that immigrants play a vital role in the Dutch economy, particularly in the tech sector. Jonathan also connects the housing crisis to the issue of immigration, noting that the lack of affordable housing is a major factor driving anti-immigration sentiment.

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UK Election - Tories Tanking in Polls

🎦 32:12-33:30

Jonathan notes that the Conservative Party in the UK is struggling in the polls and is likely to lose the upcoming elections. He attributes this to the rise of the Reform Party, which has split the Conservative vote. He highlights an article in the Times, a right-wing newspaper, which predicted a devastating defeat for the Conservatives.

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Tories Suspend Social Media Campaigning Due to Lack of Funds

🎦 33:30-34:32

Jonathan discusses the Conservatives' decision to suspend their social media campaigning due to a lack of funds. He emphasizes the importance of social media campaigning for reaching younger voters and securing their support. He highlights a statement from a senior Conservative source confirming the party's financial struggles.

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Rishi Sunak's Controversial Departure from D-Day Commemoration

🎦 34:32-35:12

Jonathan criticizes Rishi Sunak's decision to leave the Normandy D-Day commemoration early. He notes that this decision has been widely criticized and further damaged the Conservative Party's image.

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First-Past-the-Post Voting System in UK

🎦 35:12-36:04

Jonathan discusses the impact of the UK's first-past-the-post voting system on the upcoming elections. He argues that the Reform Party, although it may take votes from the Conservatives, is unlikely to win enough seats due to the system's rules. He predicts that the Conservatives will lose votes to Labour, the Lib Dems, and other parties as a result of the Reform Party's presence.

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Split in the Right-wing Vote in UK

🎦 36:04-36:56

Jonathan highlights the significance of the split in the right-wing vote in the UK, arguing that it is unprecedented. He explains that the Reform Party is taking votes primarily from the Conservatives, creating a situation where the left is divided while the right is unified for the first time in history. He notes the unfair advantage that this gives to the Conservatives.

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Ukraine's EU Accession Talks

🎦 36:56-38:27

Jonathan reports that Ukraine's foreign minister anticipates the start of EU accession talks on June 25th. He points out that Ukraine has successfully met the recommendations set by the European Commission. He expresses optimism about the progress of Ukraine's EU integration and notes that it is a crucial step for the country's survival and future. He highlights the EU's support for Ukraine, despite expectations that accession won't happen until 2030.

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Need for Strong EU Leadership on Ukraine

🎦 38:27-41:46

Jonathan discusses the need for strong leadership within the EU on the issue of Ukraine. He critiques Boris Johnson's leadership and Biden's limitations, arguing that neither can provide the necessary robust support for Ukraine without risking partisan backlash. He points out that Rishi Sunak is not a foreign policy specialist and unlikely to fill this role. He acknowledges the importance of Kaya Callas, Estonia's Prime Minister, but argues that she is too small a figure to command the necessary attention and influence. He then turns his attention to France and Germany, noting that Italy's Giorgia Meloni, although supportive of Ukraine, is limited by her coalition partners. He suggests that Emmanuel Macron, who is committed to the EU project and focused on France's role within it, could be a potential leader on Ukraine. Jonathan highlights Macron's recent actions and statements in support of Ukraine, including increased financial contributions, as evidence of his commitment.

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Zelensky's Acknowledgement of Macron's Leadership

🎦 41:46-43:11

Jonathan highlights Zelensky's acknowledgment of Macron's leadership during a speech to the French parliament. He states that Zelensky sees Macron as a strong ally and a crucial figure in leading Europe on the issue of Ukraine. Jonathan questions whether Macron's recent actions are translating into broader support for him in France, speculating that his pro-Ukraine stance may be enhancing his image as a strong leader.

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Kaya Callas Praises Macron's Leadership on Ukraine

🎦 43:11-44:03

Jonathan shares Kaya Callas's praise for Macron's leadership on Ukraine, highlighting Callas's acknowledgment of Macron's firm stance and commitment to long-term support for Ukraine. Jonathan also notes Callas's potential for future leadership roles within the EU.

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Stars of David Spray-Painted in France

🎦 44:03-45:46

Jonathan recounts the incident where Stars of David were spray-painted around France. He notes the ambiguity surrounding the incident, questioning whether it was anti-semitic or pro-Jewish. He explains that the act could be interpreted as pro-Jewish given the large Muslim population in France, as it could be used to sow division and undermine social cohesion. Jonathan argues that this is a tactic commonly used by Russia to create problems in Europe.

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Spray-Painted Coffins in Paris

🎦 45:46-46:34

Jonathan discusses the recent incident where spray-painted coffins were left near the Eiffel Tower, warning against sending French soldiers to Ukraine. He notes that the incident is likely part of Russia's information operations. Jonathan states that this action is a way of undermining support for Ukraine by spreading fear and negativity. He highlights the alleged involvement of Bulgarians in the incident.

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Russia Expelled from World Chess Organization

🎦 46:34-47:15

Jonathan reports that Russia has been expelled from the World Chess Organization (FIDE) due to its unethical behavior. He mentions that Russia has been organizing tournaments in occupied parts of Ukraine. He notes that this is a significant development, particularly considering Russia's dominance in chess.

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Russia's Influence Operations in Africa

🎦 47:15-51:22

Jonathan explores Russia's diplomatic and influence operations in African nations. He highlights Sergei Lavrov's recent visit to several African countries, focusing on military technical cooperation. He points out that Russia is filling the void created by France's withdrawal from the region, taking advantage of power vacuums and instability. He highlights Russia's strategic focus on the Sahel region, where it has been gaining influence in recent years. He discusses Russia's economic involvement in Africa, particularly in the energy sector, and its attempts to secure votes in the United Nations.

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Crop Losses in Russia's Rostov Region

🎦 51:22-52:40

Jonathan reports that the governor of Rostov, a major agricultural region in Russia, has announced a loss of one-third of the harvest due to weather conditions. He highlights the economic impact of this loss, noting that it will exacerbate Russia's already struggling economy and potentially affect global food supply.

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US Economic Recovery Under Biden

🎦 52:40-54:00

Jonathan challenges misinformation about the US economy. He argues that the US is experiencing a historic economic recovery and praises the Biden administration's achievements in this area. He highlights the positive indicators of economic growth, including the prime-age labor force participation rate.

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Trump's Lies about Insulin Pricing

🎦 54:00-55:07

Jonathan exposes Donald Trump's lies about insulin pricing. He clarifies that the current administration has taken steps to lower insulin prices for millions of Americans through the Inflation Reduction Act, which Trump falsely claims was enacted during his presidency. He criticizes Trump for his habit of taking credit for the accomplishments of others.

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Roger Stone's Blasphemous Claim of Trump's Endorsement by Jesus

🎦 55:07-55:34

Jonathan criticizes Roger Stone's blasphemous claim that Jesus Christ has endorsed Donald Trump. He calls out Stone's lie and rejects the notion that there is any evidence to support it.

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Russia's Potential for Arson and Sabotage in EU

🎦 55:34-58:23

Jonathan expresses concern about Russia's potential for arson and sabotage in the EU. He highlights the ease with which Ukrainians are able to pay Russians to carry out acts of sabotage and notes that Russia has also been using similar tactics in the EU. He cites reports of Telegram groups run by Russia in EU countries, offering people money to commit arson and sabotage. He emphasizes that this is a serious threat and calls for vigilance in detecting and preventing such acts. He expresses confidence that intelligence services are monitoring this activity and predicts an increase in incidents.

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Attempted Arson of Ukrainian Business in UK

🎦 58:23-58:29

Jonathan reports that a Ukrainian business in the UK was targeted by attempted arson, highlighting Russian influence in the incident. He personally considers this an act of war.

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Wrap up

🎦 58:29-58:30

Jonathan signs off the video and thanks viewers for watching.

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Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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