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Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA: Bohdana, Scorched Earth, & RU Nobody Really Likes You

Extra Saturday, 15th July 2023, 18:19
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"When you start having people in the military blogger network more openly like pushing the envelope in terms of how they speak about Putin...we understand that Putin has lost an awful lot in terms of his identity, his PR, the respect his nation have for him and particularly in the military community he's lost an awful lot."

Hello Team!

Jonathan introduces the video as an extra update giving additional tidbits and nuggets to provide greater understanding of the war in Ukraine.

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Indigenous Ukrainian Military Manufacturing - Bohdana Howitzer

  • Ukraine began the war with one prototype 2S22 Bohdana long-range howitzer built for Western 155mm shells. It escaped capture and fought in the battle of Snake Island. There are now three in production.
  • The Bohdana howitzer combines a long-range gun with a Ukrainian-made 6-wheel off-road truck. The crew must dismount to load and fire it.
  • One prototype was nearly destroyed at the start of the war but was disassembled, moved to western Ukraine and rebuilt. It emerged in June 2022 and was used to bombard the Russian garrison on Snake Island.
  • At least 3 Bohdanas are now operational, with the capacity to manufacture more existing in western Ukraine. Future versions may use different truck chassis and have autoloaders and digital fire control systems.
  • Indigenous production of NATO-compatible 155mm artillery should boost Ukraine's long-term ability to defend against Russia.

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Biber Bridge-Laying Tank

Jonathan shows footage of a Biber bridge-laying tank driving in Ukraine. These have been promised and delivered to Ukraine but he notes we haven't seen them used much yet, apart from some bridges laid by the Russians in the Bakhmut area months ago.

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Russian Manual on Defending Against Ukrainian Attacks

  • A Russian military manual offers guidelines on using minefields as a countermeasure against Ukrainian mechanized attacks.
  • It recommends installing mixed groups of mines, obstacles and barricades on roads, bridges, intersections and likely off-road routes.
  • Minefields should be installed at the front of defensive lines at night by groups of 10-15 sappers.
  • FAB-250 bombs and S-300 missile warheads have been used to demolish roads. Mines are sometimes left uncamouflaged to divert enemies towards hidden minefields.
  • Remote mining systems like Uragan MLRS with KPTM3 cluster mines are highlighted as effective.
  • Small sapper groups with night vision are emphasized for laying mines further forward, including in previously cleared areas.

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Transhumanism and Drone Warfare

  • Jonathan discusses the philosophical concept of transhumanism - the merging of technology with human biology and consciousness.
  • He relates this to a Ukrainian soldier nicknamed "Hulk" who operates kamikaze drones against Russian tanks using VR goggles, saying this exemplifies the future of warfare.
  • Transhumanist ideas are explored, like technology becoming an invisible extension of the self (e.g. glasses, prosthetic limbs, vehicles). Flying drones can induce out-of-body experiences.
  • Jonathan plugs a Q&A he did on transhumanism on his other YouTube channel.

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Attitudes Towards Russia Around the World

  • A Pew Research survey from Spring 2023 shows very unfavourable opinions of Russia in most countries:
    • US: 91% unfavourable
    • Canada: 93% unfavourable
    • Poland: 98% unfavourable
    • UK: 90% unfavourable
  • Greece and Hungary are outliers in Europe with around 30% holding favourable views of Russia.
  • Favourable opinions are higher in India, Indonesia, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Mexico (30-40%).
  • The 24-country median is 82% unfavourable, 15% favourable.
  • Jonathan questions whether Russia made the right decision invading Ukraine given the damage to its global standing, economy and military. Its only remaining allies seem to be Iran, North Korea and to some extent China and India.

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Wrap up

Jonathan thanks viewers for their support, especially in light of YouTube restrictions on his recent videos which impact his work. He appreciates those supporting him and will update his member thanks.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

The transcript was clear and I understood all the key points Jonathan made in the video.

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Steps: Identify main topics in order they appear in the transcript Summarise each topic, keeping key facts, figures, names, places, etc. Use bullet points for summary where appropriate Include any key quotes, opinions or insights from Jonathan Check for any parts of the transcript that were unclear Proofread and check for British English spelling and grammar



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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