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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Military Aid

News🔷Military Aid Sunday, 18th February 2024, 11:42
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:57
2Denmark Military Aid: All Artillery 00:57-02:47
3USA: House of Representatives Delays Ukraine Aid Package Vote03:58-04:32
4USA: Zelensky's Comments Regarding US Aid and Nancy Pelosi04:32-05:48
5USA: Biden - "The Idea That We Will Walk Away From Ukraine... Is Totally Against American Interests" 05:48-06:31
6USA: GLSDBs Deployed to Ukraine in Record Time06:31-08:13
7USA: War Crimes Collection Assistance Provided to Ukraine08:13-08:51
8USA: Confiscated Russian Funds to be Transferred to Ukraine via Estonia08:51-10:53
9Ukraine: F-16 Fighter Jets Could Arrive in June10:53-12:06
10France and Ukraine: Security Agreement and €3 Billion Military Aid Package 12:06-14:19
11UK: Military, Financial and Humanitarian Assistance to Ukraine14:19-15:47
12Finland: Military Aid to Ukraine 15:47-16:03
13France: Arms Exports and Military Aid to Ukraine 16:03-16:47
14Germany: €1.13 Billion Military Aid Package for Ukraine 16:47-17:59
15EU: France, Greece and Cyprus Block Proposal to Procure Ammunition From Outside EU 17:59-20:13
16Germany: Rheinmetall to Produce 155mm Artillery Ammunition in Ukraine20:13-21:26
17Czechia: Petr Pavel - “We Have Found Half a Million 155mm Shells and Three Million 122mm Shells”21:26-23:03
18Hungary Joins Ukraine Demining Coalition23:03-24:25
19Japan: $49.4 Million Grant to Ukraine 24:25-26:05
20Italy: €100 million Loan to Ukraine for Energy Sector26:05-26:26
21Poland: Increasing the Size of Its Army 26:26-27:50
22Russia: Kh-69 Cruise Missiles Deployed in Ukraine 27:50-28:31
23Russia: Issues With Volna-RE Jammer 28:31-29:48
24Wrap up29:48-29:59

"Ukraine is asking us for ammunition and artillery now...we, Denmark, have decided to transfer all our artillery to Ukraine."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:57

Jonathan welcomes viewers back to a longer than usual military aid and equipment segment, attributing this to a two day backlog. He explains that he is still catching up having been away and that it is currently half term so his children are around. He reassures viewers that regular programming will resume over the next few days. He notes that the content is related to the recent Ramstein conference.

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Denmark Military Aid: All Artillery

🎦 00:57-02:47

Jonathan expresses his admiration for a statement by Danish PM Frederiksen in which she announces Denmark's decision to transfer all of its artillery to Ukraine. The potential significance of such a decision is highlighted, particularly if emulated by other nations. He refers to a report in which the Estonian (or Lithuanian) military proposes a plan whereby if all supporting nations contribute 0.25% of their GDP, sufficient support could be provided to Ukraine. He notes that this report provides workable solutions and that it would be relatively easy to implement.

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USA: House of Representatives Delays Ukraine Aid Package Vote

🎦 03:58-04:32

Jonathan reports that the US House of Representatives will not vote on the aid package for Ukraine until mid-March. He quotes Michael McCaul (Republican, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee) who is strongly pro-Ukraine, and is frustrated by the delay.

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USA: Zelensky's Comments Regarding US Aid and Nancy Pelosi

🎦 04:32-05:48

Jonathan notes Zelensky’s comments in which he states that he doesn’t want to tell the US what to do, but that the US needs to know what is happening and that everyone must work together. Jonathan reports Zelensky’s comment that if Ukraine stands alone, Russia will destroy Poland and the Baltic states. Jonathan reports that Zelensky thanked Nancy Pelosi for her work in securing bipartisan support for Ukraine, highlighting the effectiveness of her leadership in progressing legislation despite a small majority.

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USA: Biden - "The Idea That We Will Walk Away From Ukraine... Is Totally Against American Interests"

🎦 05:48-06:31

Jonathan plays a clip in which Biden states that walking away from Ukraine would be against US interests, and would violate the word of the US. Biden emphasises the importance of Congress passing legislation to fund NATO. Jonathan reiterates Biden's point, stating that it is critical that this legislation is passed by Congress.

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USA: GLSDBs Deployed to Ukraine in Record Time

🎦 06:31-08:13

Jonathan discusses the GLSDB (Grand Launch Small Diameter Bomb) and its capabilities; it has a range of 150km (normal HIMARS 84km) and can be fired from HIMARS or other MLRS, are cheaper than other munitions, are essentially a ground launched version of the JDAM. He addresses comments on his threads about how long the GLSDBs have taken to reach the frontlines, noting that from a standing start, the GLSDBs have been deployed to Ukraine in record time. He quotes US Under Secretary Laplante who explains how the Ukraine Supplemental Appropriation Act changed the procurement paradigm to expedite the process.

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USA: War Crimes Collection Assistance Provided to Ukraine

🎦 08:13-08:51

Jonathan reports that the US will provide Ukraine with assistance in collecting information and data relating to war crimes. He states that this is not the first time the US has provided this type of (non-military) assistance to Ukraine, and outlines the contents of a new support package: 66 vehicles, 250 drones, 9 x 3D Laser ground scanning devices and a DNA laboratory. He highlights that this is positive news and that Ukraine needs a lot of assistance in this area.

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USA: Confiscated Russian Funds to be Transferred to Ukraine via Estonia

🎦 08:51-10:53

Jonathan reports that the US will transfer confiscated Russian funds to Ukraine via Estonia. This is the second time this has happened, and will help provide much needed funds to Ukraine’s economy. He explains that this is the first time confiscated funds have been transferred to a foreign Ally. Jonathan quotes a Dead District report in which Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco and Estonian Secretary General Tonis Saar announced the transfer of nearly $500,000 in confiscated Russian funds. This money was seized following the breakup of an illegal procurement network attempting to procure US origin dual use technology. The funds will be transferred to Estonia, as a direct transfer to Ukraine is not possible under current US legislation. The funds will be used to support a project to expedite damage assessments and repairs to Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure, which has been deliberately targeted by Russia.

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Ukraine: F-16 Fighter Jets Could Arrive in June

🎦 10:53-12:06

Jonathan discusses the potential delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. He speculates that these could arrive in June, which is later than initially thought. A lot of factors are at play, including logistical and training considerations. Jonathan points out that the Ukrainian Air Force needs more than just pilots who can fly F-16s, they need ground crew, maintenance teams, secure air bases, etc, and highlights the significant amount of work involved in readying Ukraine to receive F-16s. He notes that Ukrainian pilots are currently flying F-16s solo every day, and speculates that if they began training in February, by June it will have been four months, which tracks with the potential delivery timeframe.

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France and Ukraine: Security Agreement and €3 Billion Military Aid Package

🎦 12:06-14:19

Jonathan reports that Zelensky and Macron have signed a security agreement. He explains why this is important; should Ukraine be forced to accept an unfavourable peace deal (e.g. giving up Crimea, Donbas), these agreements, along with similar agreements with other countries, would come into play. He speculates that these agreements may resemble NATO Article 5, and would provide a deterrent to future Russian aggression post peace agreement. France has also committed up to €3 billion in additional military aid to Ukraine for 2024. Jonathan praises France, arguing that their contribution is higher than many realise (3rd highest?). He notes that France has probably been doing a lot of work behind the scenes.

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UK: Military, Financial and Humanitarian Assistance to Ukraine

🎦 14:19-15:47

Jonathan argues that, like France, the UK has also been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to assist Ukraine. He uses the example of underwriting maritime war risk insurance, which has enabled the oil price cap and facilitated the export of Ukrainian grain. Jonathan states that the UK has provided billions in aid to Ukraine, but that this doesn’t always show up on the ‘league tables’. He uses the example of the billions in refugee assistance provided by Germany and Poland.

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Finland: Military Aid to Ukraine

🎦 15:47-16:03

Jonathan notes that Finland has also provided a great deal of aid to Ukraine, stating that whilst they have announced aid packages, they haven't disclosed the exact contents.

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France: Arms Exports and Military Aid to Ukraine

🎦 16:03-16:47

Jonathan continues by comparing France's aid contributions to others, arguing that as one of the world's largest arms exporters, France should be at the forefront of efforts to support Ukraine. He questions whether Macron has been as supportive of Ukraine as his rhetoric suggests. He concludes by observing that whilst France’s aid contribution is likely to increase in the future, it is not on the same level as that provided by Germany.

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Germany: €1.13 Billion Military Aid Package for Ukraine

🎦 16:47-17:59

Jonathan states that Germany is a major contributor of aid to Ukraine, especially given the current impasse in the US Congress, which has delayed the latest US aid package for four months. He reports that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth €1.13 billion. This includes:

  • 18 Panzer 2000s (2026-27)
  • 18 RCH 155s (2025-27)
  • 120,000-122,000 artillery shells (2024)
  • 2 Skynex Systems (2025)
  • 100 missiles for the IRIS-T short range air defence system (date not provided).

Jonathan points out the long lead times for some of the equipment, but notes that this is to be expected as Germany needs to fulfil existing contracts.

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EU: France, Greece and Cyprus Block Proposal to Procure Ammunition From Outside EU

🎦 17:59-20:13

Jonathan reports that France, Greece and Cyprus have blocked an EU decision to purchase ammunition for Ukraine from outside of the EU. He explains that from an economic point of view, this makes sense; the three countries likely want to ensure that the funds allocated for the ammunition benefits their own economies, creating a ‘money multiplier’ effect. It is likely that these countries have factories which could produce the ammunition, but may require upgrades to meet the required production output. Jonathan questions the ethics of prioritising economic benefit over Ukraine’s immediate military needs, arguing that blocking the procurement of ammunition from outside the EU because it is not economically advantageous is a poor justification given the circumstances.

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Germany: Rheinmetall to Produce 155mm Artillery Ammunition in Ukraine

🎦 20:13-21:26

Jonathan reports that German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall is planning to produce ammunition in Ukraine. Whilst Ukraine already produces some Soviet era 152mm artillery shells and mortar bombs, this agreement will see production scaled up significantly, with a 42-fold increase in mortar bomb production, and a doubling of artillery ammunition production. Jonathan speculates that Rheinmetall will help to facilitate the production of 155mm artillery shells. He notes that a declaration of intent has been signed, but that details have not been made public for security reasons.

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Czechia: Petr Pavel - “We Have Found Half a Million 155mm Shells and Three Million 122mm Shells”

🎦 21:26-23:03

Jonathan praises Czech President Petr Pavel (former NATO General) for his support of Ukraine. Jonathan quotes Pavel: “So far, we have found 500,000 155mm shells and three million 122mm shells which we will be able to ship to Ukraine in a few weeks if we can find the funding for it”. Jonathan states that if he was a billionaire like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, he would provide the funding himself. He calls on them to step up and provide the funding needed to transfer these shells to Ukraine.

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Hungary Joins Ukraine Demining Coalition

🎦 23:03-24:25

Jonathan reports that Hungary has joined the demining coalition for Ukraine. This coalition comprises of 20 NATO countries and will assist Ukraine with demining efforts in liberated areas and on the frontlines. He notes that Hungary is reluctant to provide overt military support to Ukraine, but views demining as important for both humanitarian and economic reasons. Jonathan speaks of his own experience in Ukraine, where he saw a field that had been demined and was ready to be sown with crops, highlighting the importance of demining in enabling Ukraine to return to normality.

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Japan: $49.4 Million Grant to Ukraine

🎦 24:25-26:05

Jonathan reports that Japan has provided a grant of $49.4 million to Ukraine. The funds will be used to repair housing infrastructure damaged as a result of Russia's invasion. Jonathan highlights the devastating impact the war has had on Ukraine's economy, and notes that the country needs all the assistance it can get. He revisits the issue of mobilisation, noting that Ukrainian society is divided on the issue. He acknowledges the arguments both for and against full mobilisation, and sympathises with Zelensky, who is in an impossible position.

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Italy: €100 million Loan to Ukraine for Energy Sector

🎦 26:05-26:26

Jonathan reports that Italy has agreed to loan €100 million to Ukraine. This loan will bolster Ukraine’s energy sector.

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Poland: Increasing the Size of Its Army

🎦 26:26-27:50

Jonathan reports that Poland will increase the size of its armed forces to 220,000 by the end of the year, with further increases expected in subsequent years. Poland is already one of the highest military spenders in NATO (4% of GDP), and Jonathan highlights the naive and simplistic nature of Trump’s arguments regarding NATO spending. Jonathan states that around 18 NATO countries will exceed the 2% of GDP target for defence spending this year, and that Poland spends more than the US as a percentage of GDP. He criticises the way in which some people talk about ‘Europe’ as a homogenous bloc, arguing that such generalisations are inaccurate.

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Russia: Kh-69 Cruise Missiles Deployed in Ukraine

🎦 27:50-28:31

Jonathan reports that Russia is now deploying Kh-69 cruise missiles in Ukraine. These are high-precision missiles originally designed for the Su-57 5th generation fighter jet, but it appears that they have been adapted for use on older aircraft. Jonathan speculates that this is because Russia is reluctant to risk deploying the Su-57 over Ukraine in large numbers for fear that it will be shot down, which would be a major propaganda coup for Ukraine.

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Russia: Issues With Volna-RE Jammer

🎦 28:31-29:48

Jonathan states that Russian sources have been highly critical of the new R-330Zh ‘Zhitel’ jammer, claiming that it is poorly made and does not work. He notes that this is good news for Ukraine, as the jammer is designed to disrupt Ukrainian communications.

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Wrap up

🎦 29:48-29:59

Jonathan thanks viewers for their support and says that he will speak to them again soon.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I am unsure how to interpret this: "[22:06.760 -> 22:15.060] so far we have found half a million 155 mil shells and three [22:15.060 -> 22:25.800] million 122 mil shells which we will be able to ship to ukraine in a few weeks if we can find [22:25.800 -> 22:26.920] the funding for it" - what does "we have found" mean in this context? I have assumed this means they have identified/secured but I am not sure.

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is a military aid update - it should be split by country then topic for the granular approach. I will start by identifying the Title, Date and Part before working through the topics and timeframes before I start the summaries and quotes - this will help to familiarise myself with the content and ensure a logical approach to the task. There are a lot of figures in this transcript, I will pay attention to these as this is particularly useful information for viewers (e.g values of aid, timeframes).



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

I'm a bot! I summarise ATP Geopolitics videos