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Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA: Building Trenches, Simonyan, Blue Ticks, Prig, & RU Economy

Extra Monday, 26th June 2023, 16:33
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"If you're invalidating people from criticizing institutions, people, ideas in robust ways, then you have a real problem."

Hello Team!

Jonathan introduces the video as an Ukraine War Update Extra providing additional insights into the war. He mentions an article he wrote for Only Sky compiling evidence that the Russians were responsible for destroying the Kakhovka Dam. He argues the dam's destruction should be treated as seriously as the use of a tactical nuke.

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Prigozhin and Wargonzo

Jonathan shares a prescient conversation between Prigozhin and Wargonzo from weeks ago, where Wargonzo suggests Wagner could turn their guns on Moscow. Prigozhin replies it's an "interesting thought" they haven't considered. Jonathan speculates this may have planted the idea for Prigozhin's recent mutiny. There are also theories Wagner was stockpiling ammunition rather than using it at the front, in preparation for the uprising.

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Criticism of Wagner

  • Michael Weiss reports Wagner is still recruiting despite the expectation they would disarm or be incorporated into the Russian military after the mutiny.
  • Pro-Russian Telegram channels are now criticizing Wagner, with Fighter Bomber accusing them of humiliating the Russian army through beatings and robberies.
  • Russian authorities are regretting recently passing a law criminalizing criticism of Wagner, as thousands of Russians including Putin may now be subject to prosecution.

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Russian Trench Digging Machine

Jonathan shares a video of a Russian BTM-3 trench digging machine from 1957. He notes this explains how the Russians are able to build trenches so quickly and efficiently compared to digging by hand or with excavators. The machine can likely dig a trench across a field in a couple hours.

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Margarita Simonyan on Laws

RT chief propagandist Margarita Simonyan argues Russian laws are not like religious commandments and can be changed if the situation requires it, referring to Prigozhin's mutiny. Jonathan notes the irony of formerly atheist Russia embracing religious rhetoric for its own ends. He has previously discussed how Putin has utilized religion to gain conformity and push his viewpoints.

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Anecdote on Military Reporting

A commenter and former RAF chaplain shares an anecdote about false reporting in the UK military during the Gulf War. He describes how a visit by the Defence Secretary was stage-managed to hide deficiencies in equipment, with the truth never reaching the top. Jonathan appreciates the wealth of knowledge and experience his viewers contribute.

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Russian Economic Troubles

Another commenter provides a detailed analysis of Russia's economic woes:

  • Russia is exporting more crude oil but making less money due to price caps and bans. Refineries need subsidies to stay operational.
  • The government is pressuring banks to buy bonds at high interest rates and removing interest payments from the budget to hide debt.
  • They are spending next year's budget this year to conceal overspending.
  • The ruble has dropped against the yuan, showing Russia's inability to support the currency.
  • Overseas investments like nuclear plants are being cut.

The commenter argues Russia cannot survive a long war economically and may even give up Crimea to get sanctions lifted.

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Misinformation and Blue Checkmarks

Jonathan cautions against relying on the Igor Sushko Twitter account which spread misinformation about Prigozhin capturing a nuclear facility. He argues Twitter's new policy of selling blue verification checkmarks allows anyone to appear credible while amplifying their message. This especially benefits pro-Russian disinformation as troll farms are willing to pay for the increased reach. Jonathan has previously written about the problems with Twitter's new approach.

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Wrap up

Jonathan thanks his supporters on Buy Me a Coffee and YouTube memberships. He appreciates their generosity and will read out some names in the next video. He signs off until tomorrow.

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I understood everything in the transcript and was able to summarize all the main points. Let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the summary.

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

Identify the main topics covered in the video based on the transcript For each main topic: Summarize the key points Jonathan makes Include any relevant examples, anecdotes or quotes Maintain Jonathan's opinions and perspectives Organize the summary with an introduction and wrap-up section Use British English spellings and grammar Adhere to the provided XML structure Proofread to ensure all main topics are covered and the summary flows well



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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