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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Military Aid News

News🔷Military Aid Friday, 12th April 2024, 12:50
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:45
2Netherlands to send EUR 400m in aid to Ukraine00:45-02:51
3Norway to send 22 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine04:20-05:28
4Poland may send Soviet-era Air Defence Missiles to Ukraine05:28-06:18
5France to increase military support to Ukraine including SCALP-EG Missiles, Ammunition and Powder production06:18-08:17
6UK: Former Defence Minister hints at deployment of UK troops to Ukraine, Transfer of two Sandown-class Minehunters, Deployment of Dragonfire Laser 08:17-12:34
7Lithuania to send power equipment to Ukraine12:34-13:14
8US: No agreement reached on Ukraine Aid Package 13:14-22:25
9German Support for Ukraine increasing22:25-23:25
10US considering loaning Ukraine billions23:25-24:55
11Ukraine passes Mobilisation Law24:55-27:45
12Russia increasing recruitment of foreigners27:45-30:27
13Wrap up30:27-30:35

"The Dutch are really doing a lot and do it well...give them a virtual pat on the back."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:45

Jonathan welcomes everyone to the second part of his Ukraine War Update. He lets his viewers know that this video will cover Military Aid News only and he will release a video on Geopolitics later in the day as he's going out to lunch for the last day of the school holidays.

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Netherlands to send EUR 400m in aid to Ukraine

🎦 00:45-02:51

  • The Netherlands will send an additional EUR 400m in support to Ukraine.
  • This is in addition to the EUR 2 billion already pledged for 2024 and EUR 1.5 billion pledged for 2025.
  • No Reports and Germany to Ukraine (Twitter users) have praised the level of support provided to Ukraine by the Netherlands, especially given the size of the country. They highlight the supply of Panzerhaubitze 2000s, Patriot Missile Launchers (the only country outside of the US and Germany to send these), boats and F-16s and point out that the Netherlands provided tanks to Ukraine even though they didn't have any themselves at the time.
  • Jonathan agrees with the praise heaped on the Netherlands and encourages his viewers to give a virtual pat on the back to the country.
  • Jonathan mentions that Guy Verhofstadt incorrectly stated that there were 100 Patriot Missile Batteries in Europe when in fact there are only 33. He thanks John Ridge for pointing this out.

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Norway to send 22 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine

🎦 04:20-05:28

  • Norway will send 22 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, 12 of which are ready for immediate deployment with the remainder to be made serviceable before the NATO summit in July.

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Poland may send Soviet-era Air Defence Missiles to Ukraine

🎦 05:28-06:18

Polish President Andrzej Duda has said that he discussed the transfer of Soviet-era air-defence missiles to Ukraine in a meeting with Zelensky. Jonathan notes it is "weird" that Poland has only just thought to mention this.

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France to increase military support to Ukraine including SCALP-EG Missiles, Ammunition and Powder production

🎦 06:18-08:17

  • Twitter user Philips O'Brien notes that France is gaining in popularity, with some even suggesting that France is shaming the US into taking more action, something that has not gone unnoticed by Germany.
  • France will increase the supply of missiles (thought to be SCALP-EG) that will enable Ukraine to conduct deep strikes.
  • A Bergerac plant will begin powder production (used in munitions) in France and a second line will be open in Sweden in 2025. The Bergerac plant will be able to produce the equivalent of 90,000 artillery rounds per year. Jonathan notes this is in addition to existing production and that France is increasing artillery ammunition production more broadly.
  • Jonathan states that he would like more detail as although France has supplied two batches of SCALP-EG Missiles, he's not sure if they have placed any orders to replenish their own stocks with MBDA France.

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UK: Former Defence Minister hints at deployment of UK troops to Ukraine, Transfer of two Sandown-class Minehunters, Deployment of Dragonfire Laser

🎦 08:17-12:34

  • Former UK armed forces minister James Heapy has said that the UK can send troops to Ukraine, although not to the front line. This statement comes after similar comments made by French President Macron. Jonathan cautions that this was a personal opinion, but that it was significant given his previous role.
  • The UK has transferred two Sandown-class minehunters (HMS Grimsby and HMS Shoreham) to Ukraine where they will be renamed Chernihiv and Cherkassy. The ships have arrived in Portsmouth where their crews will undergo training prior to deployment to the Black Sea. Jonathan jokes that as a Portsmouth resident, the only reason he reads the local newspaper (The Portsmouth News) is for the football (Portsmouth FC) and includes some unrepeatable chants.
  • UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has hinted that the UK's new Dragonfire laser could be deployed to Ukraine much sooner than the planned rollout in 2027. The Dragonfire laser, which will be installed on Royal Navy ships, is reported to have a range of 1km, be accurate enough to hit a pound coin and cost £10 per shot.
  • Jonathan expresses his excitement for the Dragonfire, describing it as "James Bond" and "science fiction" and contrasting the £10 cost per shot with the $500-600 for a single Gepard round.
  • Jonathan says that Shapps' comments indicate that Ukraine is a higher priority than the UK's own armed forces.

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Lithuania to send power equipment to Ukraine

🎦 12:34-13:14

Lithuania will send power equipment from the Vilnius CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant and Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant to Ukraine. The Vilnius plant (which has been closed since 2016) will provide testing and other equipment. Jonathan notes that this will be incredibly valuable given the damage sustained to Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

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US: No agreement reached on Ukraine Aid Package

🎦 13:14-22:25

  • Despite reports to the contrary, no agreement has been reached on a new US aid package for Ukraine. Republican House Majority leader Steve Scalise has said that an agreement has not been reached with the White House on a package that deviates from the $60 billion package that was approved by the Senate in February.
  • Jonathan criticises the delay and urges Mike Johnson to do the right thing and support the existing Senate bill rather than try to score political points or pander to the likes of Marjorie Taylor Green, describing Johnson as a "plonker".
  • Bill Pascrell Jr. has stated that 194 members of Congress are now calling for a vote on the existing Senate bill, urging his "courageous Republican" colleagues to force a vote.
  • Jonathan explains that the "discharge petition" referred to is for the existing Senate bill and would force a vote without the need to return it to the Senate. This option requires the support of 218 members. Whilst only one Republican (Ken Buck) supports this, a number of Democrats have added their names and only 24 more votes are required.
  • Jonathan addresses the reluctance of certain Democrats (including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib) to sign the petition, explaining that many are uncomfortable with the inclusion of funding for offensive weapons for Israel given the actions of the IDF over recent months. Jonathan explains that he understands and to a degree sympathises with this position but feels that Ukraine's need for support is greater. He explains that Netanyahu has been forced to align himself with extremist, genocidal elements of Israeli politics (Ben Gvir and Smotrich) to avoid going to prison on corruption charges, and that the situation in Gaza is horrific.
  • Jonathan concludes that although he supports Ukraine, he is uncomfortable with the way that aid for Ukraine has been bundled with aid to Israel and believes that both should be voted on separately.

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German Support for Ukraine increasing

🎦 22:25-23:25

A recent poll by ZDF shows that 42% of Germans believe that more military support should be sent to Ukraine, a 9% increase from February. Only 22% believe that less support should be sent. 8% of respondents believe that Ukraine can win with the equipment already supplied and 64% support Ukraine joining NATO after the war.

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US considering loaning Ukraine billions

🎦 23:25-24:55

The United States is considering providing Ukraine with billions of dollars in loans. It is unclear if these loans are part of the aid package being discussed by Mike Johnson and the White House but Jonathan speculates that this would likely be a separate package and would be likely to face significant legal challenges to implement.

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Ukraine passes Mobilisation Law

🎦 24:55-27:45

  • Ukraine has passed a new mobilisation law.
  • It is expected that Ukraine will seek to recruit volunteers before moving onto other measures. Women are not included.
  • The removal of demobilisation clauses from the original bill has been met with anger by some Ukrainian soldiers, many of whom have been fighting for two years. Jonathan points out that whilst there are obvious reasons why this has been done, this needs to be addressed.
  • In an attempt to address concerns over pay and conditions, Ukraine has approved additional payments for soldiers, Police officers and those serving on the front line, who will receive an additional $1785 per month. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has said that this will improve the consistency of pay. Jonathan stresses that this is important for morale as is knowing that families will be taken care of.

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Russia increasing recruitment of foreigners

🎦 27:45-30:27

Jonathan highlights the increasing number of foreigners fighting for Russia. He notes that unlike the International Legion fighting for Ukraine, these are not volunteers but have often been tricked into joining or otherwise coerced. These troops are often poorly treated, not paid and used as cannon fodder in the same way that Wagner used prisoners. Jonathan considers this to be a worrying development.

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Wrap up

🎦 30:27-30:35

Jonathan thanks his viewers and signs off.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

At 01:46 how many Patriot Missile Launchers are there in a Battery? Is the 33 figure at 03:51 referring to Batteries or Launchers? At 26:42 please could you check the spelling of "Shimau" I think this should be "Shmyhal" At 27:55 - Is it ok to use the word "Minions" when referring to the Russian Army?

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is a multi-part video so I will need to extract the title, date and part taking care to use the correct date format. Jonathan mentions tea but it's not very exciting and he's going out for lunch (poor Jonathan!) so this will need to be mentioned in the summary. He also talks about Patriot Missile Launchers, I'm not sure how many are in a battery so I will check this as I can't find any information. Verhofstadt has mentioned 100 Patriot Batteries in Europe but Jonathan corrects this to 33 batteries (with thanks to JR) but I'm not sure if this is right. Is this 33 Batteries or 33 Launchers?. Jonathan cracks jokes about Portsmouth Football Club which I will include. He mentions the Israeli Palestinian conflict which I know little about but he's clearly quite animated by it, so I will make sure to capture this as best as I can. I've not come across the name "Shimau" before - I assume this is a misspelling of "Shmyhal" but will make a note in queries to check. Jonathan uses the word "Minions" when referring to the Russian Army, I will check this is ok.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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