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Ukraine War Update NEWS: Pt 1 - Overnight & Other News

News🔷Hits and Losses Friday, 9th August 2024, 15:28
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team00:00-00:45
2Ukrainian General Staff Report: Russian Losses (07 August 2024)00:45-02:35
3Update on the Use of KABs in Kharkiv02:47-03:56
4Ukrainian Offensive Operations in Kursk Oblast: Overview and Analysis03:56-08:54
5Ukrainian Drone Strikes on Russian Territory09:26-11:56
6Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Air Defence Systems11:56-13:54
7Ukrainian Drone Strike on Lipetsk Airbase13:54-16:15
8Ukrainian Strikes on Crimea16:15-17:03
9Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Ammunition Depots17:03-18:30
10Russian Response in Kursk Oblast18:30-21:57
11Analysis of the Kursk Incursion21:57-24:09
12Ukraine Seeks Approval for ATACMS Use in Kursk24:09-25:20
13General Observations on the Front Lines by Carl25:20-27:46
14Potential Use of F-16s Over Kherson Oblast27:46-28:39
15Wrap up28:39-28:39

"Ukraine has taken control of 200 square kilometers in the Kursk Oblast in just two days...well actually now we're coming on to day four and as mentioned 458 square kilometers might uh well be what they've you know you put that into the the perspective of Russia having gained 750 square kilometers since the beginning of the year, that that Kursk offensive is is quite impressive."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:45

Jonathan starts the daily update from his holiday, acknowledging that the change in his routine makes it challenging to keep up with the usual flow of information from Ukraine.

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  1. These are real people with real lives and real families who love them. Don’t let the numbers sap your humanity.
  2. These numbers probably aren’t accurate but they’re the best we have and we don’t need them to be accurate to be indicative of patterns of activity.
  3. All losses are estimates. Losses cannot be counted with accuracy because of the conditions on the ground.
  4. Both sides would see it to be of their advantage to minimize their own losses maximize the other side’s losses.
  5. Neither side releases their losses but we have enough transparency from the Ukrainian side to have confidence in they are indicative.
  6. Personnel losses are hard to count. If a soldier gets injured, heals up, and returns to the front line only to get injured again, is that one loss or two? Also, how to deal with losses from PMC’s or soldiers fighting with RF from occupied territories?
  7. Equipment losses are hard to count. If an AA complex involves several parts and one part gets disabled, is that a loss, or a fraction of a loss? If a tank gets disabled, repaired, back into the fight, then disabled again, is that one lost tank or two?
  8. All recorded losses are vulnerable to multiple reporting. We have already seen numerous cases of multiple drones in the air reporting the same loss from different angles as multiple engagements.
  9. Losses are not always reported on the same day they occurred. It is frequent that drone losses are reported at least 24 hours after other terrestrial equipment losses. Certain losses may not be reported for days or weeks for military intelligence reasons.

Ukrainian General Staff Report: Russian Losses (07 August 2024)

🎦 00:45-02:35

  • Jonathan reports that the Ukrainian General Staff figures for 7 August 2024 show Russian losses of:
    • 1,030 personnel (above average)
    • 3 tanks (below average)
    • 9 armoured personnel vehicles (below average)
    • 49 artillery systems (over twice the daily average)
    • 2 anti-aircraft warfare systems (significant losses for Russia)
    • 86 vehicles and fuel tanks (very high, possibly due to a column being hit in Kursk)
    • 2 pieces of special equipment
  • Jonathan observes that the high number of vehicle and fuel tank losses is likely due to at least one Russian column being hit in the Kursk region while bringing reinforcements.

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Update on the Use of KABs in Kharkiv

🎦 02:47-03:56

  • Citing Oleksiy Sinehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Jonathan notes a significant decrease in the use of KAB guided glide bombs in Kharkiv Oblast.
  • While previously, 30–60 KABs were recorded daily, this has now decreased to a few aerial bombs and two missiles.
  • Jonathan speculates whether this is due to Ukrainian air defence systems being moved forward in Kharkiv Oblast, which could reach into Belgorod and deter Russian aircraft.

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Ukrainian Offensive Operations in Kursk Oblast: Overview and Analysis

🎦 03:56-08:54

  • Jonathan reports a large fire in Rilsk, Kursk Oblast, which is a key logistical target for Ukraine to disrupt Russian supplies to the Sumy region border. Rilsk is within HIMARS range.
  • Overnight, Ukrainian forces successfully hit a Russian column roughly 30 kilometres behind the front line in Kursk Oblast. The column, moving on the E38 highway in Oktyabrs'ke, lost multiple vehicles.
  • There is speculation that this was a HIMARS strike using cluster munitions, which would be significant if true, as it would mark the first use of HIMARS within Kursk Oblast by Ukraine.
  • Russian sources claim 13 military Ural trucks and command vehicles were destroyed, resulting in heavy casualties. They suggest an entire battalion was hit, with potentially 100 soldiers killed.
  • Video evidence from the scene shows trucks loaded with dead Russian soldiers. While some claim this was an ambush, Jonathan believes a missile strike is more likely.
  • Jonathan highlights the use of heavy weaponry, such as Polish-made AHS Krab self-propelled howitzers, by Ukrainian forces in Kursk, indicating a serious offensive effort.
  • He also mentions a Ukrainian HIMARS strike on a Russian training ground in Zaporizhzhia, potentially inflicting heavy losses.
  • Finally, Jonathan references a cryptic message from a Russian milblogger, suggesting that the reported strike in Oktyabrs'ke might not be the only one.

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Ukrainian Drone Strikes on Russian Territory

🎦 09:26-11:56

  • Ukraine reports no missile attacks overnight but claims its air defences shot down 27 out of 27 attack drones, preventing any damage.
  • In a tragic incident, a Russian Kh-38 missile strike hit a supermarket in Kostantynivka, Donetsk Oblast, killing 11 people and injuring 37.
  • Russia claims to have shot down 29 Ukrainian drones over Belgorod Oblast, prompting evacuations from settlements near the border.
  • Overnight, Ukrainian drones also struck a Russian repair base in Novoselivs'ke, Belgorod Oblast, damaging two hangars and three military vehicles.

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Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Air Defence Systems

🎦 11:56-13:54

  • The Ukrainian General Staff confirmed strikes on Lipetsk Airfield and three Russian air defence systems in Donetsk Oblast overnight.
  • In Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine targeted two S-350 and one S-300 air defence radars, claiming to have destroyed one S-350 radar.
  • Jonathan highlights the significance of these strikes in degrading Russian air defence capabilities.
  • He also reports on potential Ukrainian strikes on Russian air defence systems in Belgorod Oblast, including a suspected strike on a launcher near Shopino and another on an installation near Strelets'ke.
  • These strikes on air defence systems in Belgorod Oblast have fuelled speculation about a potential Ukrainian offensive in the region. However, Jonathan remains sceptical of such a possibility.

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Ukrainian Drone Strike on Lipetsk Airbase

🎦 13:54-16:15

  • Jonathan reports a significant Ukrainian drone attack on Lipetsk Airbase, located deep inside Russia, resulting in massive explosions and the detonation of ammunition.
  • The explosions forced Russian aircraft at the base to scramble.
  • Residents from four settlements near the airfield were evacuated.
  • While the airbase houses Su-34, Su-25, MiG-29, and Su-57 aircraft, Jonathan notes that, based on FIRMS data, the explosions were concentrated in the centre of the airfield, making it unlikely that aircraft were targeted.

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Ukrainian Strikes on Crimea

🎦 16:15-17:03

  • Jonathan reports multiple Ukrainian drone and missile strikes on Russian strategic and military targets in Crimea overnight, specifically in Sevastopol, Simferopol, Saki, and the Black Sea District.
  • He highlights that Saki Airbase, known to house Russian aircraft, was among the targets and has been hit multiple times before.
  • Jonathan mentions reports and images of smoke rising from the sea near Sevastopol, potentially indicating strikes by maritime drones.

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Ukrainian Strikes on Russian Ammunition Depots

🎦 17:03-18:30

  • Satellite imagery reveals the complete destruction of Russian ammunition depots in Crimea following Ukrainian strikes. These strikes targeted depots near Srednye in the Krasnohvardiis'ke District.
  • Jonathan presents footage of the aftermath of a Ukrainian drone strike on an ammunition depot in Voronezh Oblast a month prior. The footage reveals the extensive damage inflicted by just three drones.
  • This strike on the Voronezh Oblast depot, which housed a substantial amount of Russian ordnance, resulted in explosions that continued for an entire day.

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Russian Response in Kursk Oblast

🎦 18:30-21:57

  • Jonathan reports that Russia appears to be finally counterattacking in Kursk Oblast, aiming to reclaim lost territory. He recommends following Norreports for daily updates on the situation.
  • While Russian sources boast about reserve forces, tanks, artillery, and other heavy equipment being deployed to Kursk, closer inspection reveals the use of outdated and cobbled-together equipment. For example, Grad launchers mounted on MTLB armoured vehicles, old ZU-23 anti-aircraft autocannons mounted on MTLBs, and MT-12 Rapira 100mm anti-tank guns.
  • Despite these reinforcements, Jonathan expresses doubts about Russia's ability to effectively defend the area, given the quality of equipment and training of their forces.
  • He presents a map showing three main prongs of the Ukrainian advance towards Kursk, Luhovyk, and Ryl'sk, and suggests that the situation remains fluid, with the outcome dependent on Ukrainian objectives and resource allocation.
  • Jonathan cites Surat Maps, claiming that Ukrainian forces have captured 458 square kilometres and 33 localities in Kursk Oblast.
  • He contrasts this with Russia's meagre gains of 180 square kilometres since May, highlighting the effectiveness of the Ukrainian incursion.
  • Despite these advancements, Jonathan acknowledges that the reasons behind the operation remain unclear. He also notes that Russian forces are pushing back and that Ukrainian advances have slowed, although it is too early to declare a turning point.

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Analysis of the Kursk Incursion

🎦 21:57-24:09

  • Jonathan delves into analysis surrounding the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk Oblast, presenting a user comment suggesting strategic implications of the operation.
  • The commenter notes that the capture of the town of Sudzha would be significant due to its role as a major natural gas transit hub where the Trans-Siberian pipeline meets the Brotherhood pipeline.
  • Controlling Sudzha would hinder Russia's ability to target the area with artillery and glide bombs for fear of damaging the pipeline, which would negatively impact the Russian economy.
  • Additionally, another commenter draws a parallel with Russian propaganda regarding the lack of resistance in Crimea, suggesting that since the local population in Kursk Oblast has not resisted the Ukrainian incursion, it proves the region belongs to Ukraine.

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Ukraine Seeks Approval for ATACMS Use in Kursk

🎦 24:09-25:20

  • Ukraine is reportedly seeking approval from its allies to use ATACMS long-range missiles in the Kursk Oblast offensive.
  • The primary targets would be Russian airfields that have been used to launch retaliatory strikes against Ukrainian positions within Kursk.

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General Observations on the Front Lines by Carl

🎦 25:20-27:46

  • Jonathan shares observations from Carl, an Estonian military analyst frequently cited by Michael Weiss, on the overall situation on the front lines.
  • Carl highlights the ongoing Russian pressure and advances towards Prokof’ivka and Tors’ke in the east, acknowledging their small daily gains but expressing concern that Ukraine has not been able to halt them.
  • He points out that Russia has gained 750 square kilometres since the start of the year, twice the amount of territory Ukraine regained in the southern front throughout the summer.
  • While these gains are small compared to Ukrainian liberations in Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and Kharkiv, Carl emphasizes the psychological impact of constant retreat on Ukrainian forces and the risk of Russia capturing strategically important towns like Chasiv Yar and Kostantynivka, which would threaten Kramatorsk and Slovyansk.
  • Another concern is the resurgence of Russian artillery superiority and their extensive use of glide bombs, forcing Ukrainian troops to retreat from defensive positions.
  • Carl acknowledges that this is not yet a crisis but a worrying trend, particularly considering the recent Ukrainian strikes on Russian ammunition depots.
  • Regarding the Kursk operation, he questions its strategic significance and whether those Ukrainian reserves would be better utilized on the eastern front.

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Potential Use of F-16s Over Kherson Oblast

🎦 27:46-28:39

  • Jonathan reports claims from Russian-appointed officials in Kherson Oblast that F-16 fighter jets have been spotted over the region, suggesting they might be operating in an air defence role.
  • If true, the presence of F-16s near the front lines could indicate Ukrainian efforts to suppress Russian air defences, potentially using HARM missiles to target radar systems near the Dnipro River.
  • However, Jonathan advises caution, reminding viewers that Russia previously claimed to have encountered F-16s before they were operational in Ukraine.

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Wrap up

🎦 28:39-28:39

Jonathan thanks his viewers for watching and signs off.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

Who is "Norreports"? Is this a reliable source of information on the war? Could you provide more information about "FIRMS" data and how it's used in this context? I am unfamiliar with "Surat Maps". Is this a reputable source for information about territorial control in Ukraine?

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

Task 1: I will extract the Title, Date, and Part from the YouTube video title using the provided guidance and enclose them in their respective XML tags. Task 2: I will listen to the video and identify distinct topics covered. I need to ensure that each topic title is specific and quantified, following the examples provided. I will use the format ``, starting with "Hello Team" as id=1 and ending with "Wrap up". Task 3: I will determine the timeframe for each topic, noting the start and end timestamps in the format `HH:MM:SS-HH:MM:SS`. The id attribute will correspond to the topictitle id. Task 4: I will summarise each topic, including essential context, using bullet points for clarity. Jonathan's opinions and insights are vital to capture. I will use the format `Return to top⤴️`. Task 5: I will select a powerful, insightful, or humorous quote from Jonathan and enclose it within ` ` tags. Task 6: I will note any ambiguities or uncertainties encountered during the task within `🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand ` tags.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

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