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Ukraine War Upd. EXTRA: Hospital Hit Russian Disinfo Debunked

Extra Thursday, 11th July 2024, 09:36
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Table of Contents 📖

Topic IDTopic TitleTimestamp
1Hello Team 00:00-00:10
2The Missile Strike and Russian Narratives 00:10-02:52
3Hospital Director's Statement and Talaria's Work 02:52-04:33
4Exposing "Lord Bebo" - A Russian Disinformation Source 04:33-06:14
5Jackson Hinkle's Disinformation and Elon Musk's Complicity06:14-11:38
6Bellingcat Investigation and Twitter's "Unsafe" Label 11:38-15:02
7Bellingcat's Evidence and Expert Analysis 15:02-21:48
8Tatarigami's Analysis and Technical Breakdown 21:48-25:29
9US Disrupts Russian AI Bot Farm 26:30-29:01
10Analysis of Bot Farm Takedown and Ongoing Disinformation Efforts 29:01-29:41
11Wrap Up 29:41-29:49

"Elon Musk is a terrible human being. He is a terrible human being."

Hello Team

🎦 00:00-00:10

Jonathan welcomes viewers to an "Extra" video covering the missile strike on the childrens hospital, the Russian disinformation surrounding it, and how to identify the truth.

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The Missile Strike and Russian Narratives

🎦 00:10-02:52

  • Jonathan describes the missile strike on the Okhmadyt Children's Hospital and the horrific scenes and casualties, highlighting that one of the wings hit was a neonatal ICU.
  • He mentions the video evidence showing the missile, confirming it to be Russian.
  • At the UN Security Council meeting, Russian representative Vasily Nebenzia falsely claimed a Norwegian-supplied NASAMS air defence missile was responsible.
  • Jonathan emphasises the incoherence and contradictory nature of Russian claims.

Hospital Director's Statement and Talaria's Work

🎦 02:52-04:33

  • Jonathan shares a powerful quote from the hospital director, Vladimir Zhivnir, who states "This is not just a war crime. This is beyond the bounds of humanity."
  • He highlights the hospital's operational status during the attack, with 600 patients, numerous staff, and ongoing surgeries.
  • He transitions to discussing the prevalence of Russian disinformation, urging viewers to check out Talaria's Substack "VLP888 Knowledge is Power" for articles debunking Russian claims.

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Exposing "Lord Bebo" - A Russian Disinformation Source

🎦 04:33-06:14

  • Jonathan provides a humorous example of Russian disinformation from the source "Lord Bebo".
  • "Lord Bebo" posted a 3D rendering of the missile, unintentionally confirming it as a Russian KH-101.
  • The attempt to discredit evidence by dismissing it as "Russia bad" rhetoric backfired, with even pro-Russian commentators ridiculing "Lord Bebo".

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Jackson Hinkle's Disinformation and Elon Musk's Complicity

🎦 06:14-11:38

  • Jonathan calls out Jackson Hinkle, a prominent pro-Russian disinformation spreader on Twitter, who was even featured in a Twitter Spaces chat with Elon Musk.
  • He criticises Hinkle for spreading lies about the hospital strike, claiming it was a Ukrainian missile despite clear evidence to the contrary.
  • He highlights community notes debunking Hinkle's claims and Hinkle's attempts to manipulate the community note system.
  • Jonathan expresses disgust at Hinkle's actions and criticises Elon Musk for providing a platform for such disinformation and protecting pro-Russian accounts while pro-Ukrainian accounts face bans. He uses the example of IJR (who creates the maps he uses), who has been banned twice.

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Bellingcat Investigation and Twitter's "Unsafe" Label

🎦 11:38-15:02

  • Jonathan introduces Bellingcat, an open-source intelligence group, and their debunking of Russian narratives regarding the hospital strike.
  • He condemns Twitter's labelling of links to Bellingcat's article as "unsafe" as outrageous censorship of truth.
  • Jonathan strongly criticises Elon Musk for this, stating, "Elon Musk is a terrible human being." He encourages viewers to critically evaluate Musk's actions, particularly concerning the Ukraine conflict.

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Bellingcat's Evidence and Expert Analysis

🎦 15:02-21:48

  • Jonathan presents key findings from Bellingcat's analysis, including social media footage, debris examination, and 3D model comparisons, all pointing to a Russian KH-101 cruise missile.
  • He highlights the missile's distinctive jet engine at the rear, inconsistent with US-made AIM-120 missiles, which lack such an engine.
  • The SBU's (Security Service of Ukraine) release of images showing KH-101 components found at the hospital is cited, further supporting Bellingcat's conclusions.
  • Jonathan emphasises the geolocating of debris, corroborating the SBU's findings and refuting claims of a cover-up.
  • He provides additional confirmation from missile experts: Fabian Hoffman from the University of Oslo and Dr. Geoffrey Lewis from the Middlebury Institute, who independently concluded it was a KH-101.
  • The hospital attack is placed in the context of a larger Russian missile barrage that killed at least 41 people across Ukraine, with the Ukrainian Air Force confirming the use of KH-101 missiles.

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Tatarigami's Analysis and Technical Breakdown

🎦 21:48-25:29

  • Jonathan cites analysis from "Tatarigami" supporting the KH-101 assessment, noting the distinctive turbofan engine, absent in air defense missiles.
  • He dismisses Russian claims of NASAMS involvement due to differing missile characteristics and insufficient payload capacity to cause the observed damage.
  • The distinct sound profile of the subsonic KH-101, as opposed to supersonic missiles, is presented as further evidence.
  • He mentions the recovery of identifiable missile parts with markings matching those found on a downed KH-101 from December 2023, adding to the weight of evidence.
  • Jonathan reiterates that the overwhelming evidence points to a Russian KH-101, dismissing any alternative narrative as disinformation.

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US Disrupts Russian AI Bot Farm

🎦 26:30-29:01

  • Jonathan shifts to the US Justice Department's disruption of a Russian-run AI-powered Twitter bot farm spreading disinformation.
  • He highlights the bot farm's use of almost 1,000 accounts masquerading as Americans to promote Russian government narratives.
  • The FBI's investigation, involving subpoena cascades, revealed connections to Moscow IP addresses and leaked Russian tax and mobile subscriber data, further confirming the bot farm's origins.

Analysis of Bot Farm Takedown and Ongoing Disinformation Efforts

🎦 29:01-29:41

  • Jonathan highlights that the bot farm takedown, while positive, represents a small victory against the vast scale of online disinformation.
  • He emphasises the use of AI as a key tool in disinformation operations and expects Russian operators to adapt and return.
  • He concludes by urging vigilance against disinformation campaigns, not just from Russia, but also from other countries employing similar tactics.

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Wrap Up

🎦 29:41-29:49

  • Jonathan encourages viewers to seek out and examine the evidence for themselves.
  • He reminds viewers to like, subscribe, and share the video.
  • He urges viewers to be wary of Russian disinformation.

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🤖❓ AI Debrief (post task) - anything the AI didn't understand

I am unsure what Jonathan is referring to when he says "Strike no the fbi began..." at timestamp 27:27. Is "Strike" a mistake?

🤖💭 AI Plan (pre task) - the AI's step by step thought process

This is an "Extra" video which will involve more analysis than usual. Jonathan is covering a particularly sensitive topic (the bombing of a childrens hospital) which is likely to evoke strong emotions and opinions. It will be important to capture Jonathan's sentiments and reasoning on this as objectively as possible. The video is likely to feature many examples of disinformation and I need to ensure I convey enough context for each. He'll likely welcome viewers at the start and wrap up at the end so I will need to include this as well.



Summaries based on original content from Jonathan MS Pearce

I'm a bot! I summarise ATP Geopolitics videos